There's A Shewolf In The Office -15

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"Are you high?"

Cassidy began to make a pot of coffee.

"I need a few more pairs of jeans.Skinny jeans. Oh, and I also want to go to that belly dancing place down the street. I've always wanted to learn, but never had the time."

Candice looked at her incredulously. "You are so high right now."

After a careful moment of assessing the bright smile on Cassidy's face, she mused,

"Can you give me the number of your guy cause this looks like some good shit."

Cassidy deeply inhaled her coffee, took a sip and became one with its flavour. She loved coffee but rarely took the time to immerse herself in it. Its city-pace effects was why she injected into her system every morning, but the taste of it was why she craved it. It was nice. Tasting it. Letting it coat her tongue and throat. She was experiencing her favouite drink, the same way, in the same mug as she always had, but in such a different light.

"Candy, the only thing I am high on is life. And life is great."

Candice looked at her like Cassidy had just announced she was eloping to Indonesia with Ronald McDonald.

"So are we not going to talk about what happened on Wednesday?"

Cassidy took another life-giving sip of her coffee. "What's there to talk about?"

Candice slapped her hand to her forehead. "Cassidy you effing broke the ceiling fan! And I'm pretty sure you made Trisha cry...Not to mention the broken pot plant in the elevator..."

"Yeah, I should probably pay them back for the pot plant. That one was an accident."

Candice whipped out her phone and began furiously attacking the screen with her acrylic nails. 

"What are you doing?"

"I'm calling someone to knock some sense into you."


Not even seven minutes later, the sound of an expensive car could be heard screeching up the driveway. A dishevelled and frantic Liam with a mismatched pink button shirt rushed into the house. 

She hadn't seen him since that day. 

He was out of breath and seemed ready to pass out on the floor, but immediately he ran over to Cassidy and started pressing concerned fingers and kisses onto her face, arms, back.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?"

Cassidy slapped his wandering fingers away, in distaste. "Are you okay?"

The snickers coming from Candice pushed her into realisation. She pointed an accusatory finger in her direction. "What did you tell him?"

"She said you were attacked by a bear!" Liam answered.

"Oh my God. A bear attack in the middle of suburbia. How original."

"I wouldn't comment if I were you, Cass. I think that's better than what actually happened."

Cassidy gave her a threatening look that screamed, talk and you'll die. She picked up the fork and knife on the counter for good measure.

Liam looked between the two. "Am I missing something?"

Candice, immune to Cassidy's death stares and obviously unafraid of death by fork, began to tell the highly dramatized and sensationalised version of how a deranged (in her words, batshit crazy) Cassidy, unleashed the fury on the unsuspecting office the previous Wednesday.

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