Kiss Me Hello -6

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Upon Cassidy's arrival, Liam pulled her aside and explained the situation, she told him that she understood and that he shouldn't be apologetic. At all. She turned to leave trying not to feel dejected, but was stopped by a panicked Liam.

"Cass, I don't expect you to leave."

She was filled with warmth as she reconsidered her options. "I guess I'll stay then."

When Ace saw Cassidy enter the living room he immediately sat up straighter in his seat and cleared his throat. Liam sat across from Ace and next to Cassidy, "Um, and Ace. This is Cassidy, she is...Um." Liam didn't know how to introduce her, they weren't a couple. Heck, he wasn't even sure if she actually liked him.

Cassidy interjected, politely. "I'm a friend. It's nice to meet you Ace." His response was a murmur that was barely intelligible. Liam noticed that he and Ace didn't take their eyes off her the whole night.

Cassidy didn't give Liam much attention during dinner, she held conversation Ace mostly. Listening to her words very carefully (as was Ace) he could see that amidst her jokes and stories, she was giving Ace advice and wisdom beyond her years. Just from hearing her simple anecdotes he realized that a great deal of pain and hardship was endured to create the woman sitting next to him. She was trying a different approach to what Liam had been trying to drill into Ace's head for the longest time. The only difference was that her method seemed to be working.

Liam deemed Carter useful, as after dinner he quickly ushered Ace to the games room, but not before winking conspicuously as he did so. Liam and Cassidy, finally alone.

Liam was beyond nervous and if Cassidy was she certainly didn't show it. He rose from the table to lead her to the couch but not before nearly knocking over a vase of fresh flowers. Liam turned an ugly shade of red but Cassidy just laughed it off. When they were both seated facing each other on she was the one who broke the silence. "Last time I saw you I didn't shut up, please Liam tell me about yourself."

"Liam inched ever so slightly closer to Cassidy, I'm an open book, what do you want to know"?

Cassidy pursed her lips, "tell me about your family. "She couldn't help but smile when his face lit up at the subject. Both their nerves where dissipating.

"Well I have an older brother who met his mate around five years ago when he was on holiday in Africa. His mate is the alpha of her pack and he didn't have much interest in leading this pack so he lives there now. After a few years of training, I got approval from the pack and took over from the previous Alpha. My parents decided to move with him, they have a young son and are crazy busy. They needed the help."

Cassidy hoped to keep the conversation on Liam, the last thing she wanted was to be asked about her family. Liam was obviously extremely close to his family even though they were far apart, this intrigued her "That's amazing, do you visit much?"

"I visited a couple months after my nephew was born, our pack has very strong ties with theirs, I wholeheartedly believe that keeping global links with other packs is so important, the world is such a different place now. My family is definitely grateful for it, there is so much conflict in less economically developed countries and all they have to do is pick up the phone and I'll be there."

Cassidy nodded her head vigorously in agreement. She loved seeing Liam speak so passionately, even if it was about a topic that unsettled her. 

Cassidy began to talk about how greatly she detested the way their ancestors had once lived. Females were possessions, rogue attacks were frequent. Life was filled with fleeting happiness and lasting pain. Cassidy was a rogue, the connotation of the word had definitely changed with time and for that she was glad. Most rogues lived normal human lives, some remained close with their respective packs and could move in and out of the system as they pleased. Alphas met with representatives of rogue communities in order to maintain common ground. With this cooperation came change for the better. Wolves realized that they wanted to have a say in their own lives, they didn't want to be 'controlled' by a militant leader.

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