one | red velvet hair salon

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I flinched at the sound of another one of the doctor's screams, before the sudden sound of pained groaning made me turn my head.

I was not expecting the mafia leader to wake up so soon, but his eyes really were open. The man was laying on the kitchen table of the doctor's apartment and the cloth that was covering it was completely stained with his blood. The operating tools and a bunch of stained paper towels were still in the sink and a first aid kit was abandoned on the ground. Joy dragged the doctor away as soon as he was done with his job and I didn't care enough to clean up, so Baekhyun ended up knocking a bunch of bandages, healing creams and disinfectants when he tried to sit up and I quickly jumped on my feet. 

I leaned against the doorway of the kitchen and my eyes shined in the light that was dangling from the ceiling: '' You might want to take it easy if you don't want the stitches to rip. You lost a lot of blood already and I don't know anyone who would give you a transfusion. I mean, we do have the same blood type, but I have fried chicken, soju and a dangerously high level of stress running through my veins so getting it from me would probably put you in an even worse state. ''

'' Who are you? '' he quietly mumbled and ran through his dark hair with his hand. He cringed with disgust when he felt the way it was glued together and matted by dried blood and seaweed. The movement of his face muscles made him realise how much his head hurt and I watched him massage his temples and quietly continue: '' My head... Why does it feel like I emptied my entire liquor cabinet yesterday? And then went to a club and drank their entire supply of alcohol... And then stopped at a tent restaurant on the way home just to have a bit more bottles of soju and finish the night the right way. ''

I was still holding my cup ramen in my hands and eating, but the sound of his words made me snort in laughter. '' Now that just sounds like a fun Saturday night to me, but I don't think it's what happened to you. Unless you always finish your parties by getting shot somewhere. ''

'' Shot? '' Byun Baekhyun's eyes slightly widened with surprise when he looked down and saw his bandaged chest. His bloodied shirt was stuffed in a trash bin in the corner and I could clearly see the tattoos that were covering his skin. He didn't have a lot of them and the biggest one was definitely the snake on the side of his neck, but it seemed like he chose to put the others where he had different scars, left by bullets or knives. 

I rolled my eyes and hissed: '' Don't look at me like that. I had nothing to do with it. To be exact, I was the one that saved your sorry ass on the beach this morning. What were you even doing there? Don't tell me that the local fishermen finally decided that they had enough with you stealing their ocean for your narcotics business? They are way more patient than I would expect them to be. I thought that they would snap ages ago already and come after you with harpoons or something like that. ''

Baekhyun's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion and he continued staring at the bandages that were covering the bullet wound. '' I can't... I can't remember. ''

I accidentally choked on my ramen noodles and warily asked: '' What is your name? Do you know what planet you are on? ''

The mafia leader's face instantly darkened and he glared at me in annoyance. '' I know who I am, I just can't remember what happened to me. You still didn't answer my question though. Who are you? Where are we? Did you really find me on the beach? Do... Do you know who I am? ''

'' I am Mijin, also known as your saviour, so don't try to pull any strange tricks on me. As far as I know, you owe me your life and yes, the beach is where I found you. '' I pointed at him with my chopsticks and frowned in suspicious. '' Is that supposed to be a trick question? I know who you are, Cobra, but are you really sure that you remember that? ''

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