Facing Fears

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Bekah's POV

"Hey guys it's Bekah and today I'm gonna be doing something a little different. My sister has been bugging me ever since I started my YouTube channel to do a Black Veil Brides cover and I kept telling her no cause I think I have a terrible voice and I didn't want to make a fool out of myself in front of nearly 700,000 of you guys. But today I finally decided to do a cover. This is In the End by Black Veil Brides." I took a deep breath and began to sing.

"In the end as you fade into the night

Who will tell the story of your life?"

I love the feeling I get when I sing. I always feel like I'm in my own little world, without anything to worry about.

After I was done singing, I looked at my sister behind the camera. She had a huge smile on her face and held up two thumbs up. I smiled and began to speak.

"Well, that's me singing. I know I'm not really that good, but that's okay. Oh and by the way I'm going to the Black Veil Brides show in Charlotte, North Carolina so if you guys are going you might see me. Don't forget to Like, Favorite, and Subscribe and follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Polyvore. Peace!" My sister, Katie, turned off the camera.

"Oh my god you did so good! Now we just have to watch it and make sure you like it!" She said.

I clicked the play button on my camera. I watched myself sing and I didn't do as bad as I thought.

"Well, let's go upload it!" I said.

We took my camera and brought it over to my computer. I plugged my camera in and I was nervous. I was uploading my singing to the internet. I never really liked exposing my voice to the world. I only sang in the shower and to myself in my room with music playing in the background. I started to edit my video and my hands were shaking.

"Bekah are you ok?" Katie asked.

I nodded my head.

"I'm just a little nervous about uploading this. Everyone at school could see it and then make fun of me." I said. She looked at me.

"Bekah you have a really nice voice that needs to be heard. Don't say that." She said.

I nodded my head and clicked upload.

"Anyways, Andy could see it!" She said punching my shoulder.

She always picked on me for having a crush on Andy. But I always picked on her for a crush on Ashley.

"I doubt it. He has way to many things to do. I don't think he will have time to watch my 6 minute video." I said.

I looked at the screen and it said it was uploaded.

"THE VIDEO IS LIVE!" Katie yelled. I rolled my eyes.

I shut my computer and I went to my room. I shut the door and turned on Perfect Weapon. Andy's voice blasted through my IHome as I sang along. About halfway through the song, I  heard a knock on my door. I turned down the volume and yelled "Come in!" My mom walked in.

"Dinner's ready." She said.

I nodded my head and walked downstairs. I wasn't really in the mood for food but I had to eat something or my mom would worry.

As I walked down the stairs, the scent of pancakes filled the air. I walked in and Katie was already seated with 4 pancakes on her plate. I went over and grabbed 2 pancakes, grabbing a glass of water on my way to the dining room table. I sat down across from my sister and soon my mom came and sat down.

"So when are you two going to the concert?" My mom asked.

"Next week and Saylen is coming with us to." I said.

Saylen. Where do I begin to explain Saylen? Her and I have been best friends since the sixth grade. I remember the first day, I walked into Mr. Downing's science class and saw a girl wearing a Kiss shirt. I knew instantly we would be best friends. Ever since then, we've been inseparable. We would do everything together. She used to spend weeks at my house and my mother loved her. She was practically a member of my family.

My mom nodded her head as she continued eating. When Katie and I were done, we put our dishes away and went to the computer to see how many views my video has gotten so far. I clicked on my account and my eyes grew wide. It had 10,000 views and 600 thumbs up! I looked and saw one of the likes was none other than Mr. Ashley Purdy himself. I almost fell out of my seat when Katie noticed.

"What's up?" She asked.

I pointed to the screen and her eyes grew wide.

"Ashley Freaking Purdy liked your video Bekah! Holy crap this is amazing!" She said.

It would be an understatement of I said I was shocked.

"Oh. My. God." I said. That's all I could really say at this point.

Ashley's POV

I was randomly scrolling throughout Twitter when some fan tweeted me a video. It said:

"Ashley this girl is freaking amazing!!! You should watch her!!!"

I looked at the video and it was a cover of one of the songs off of Wretched and Devine. I clicked on it and watched it.

"Hey guys it's Bekah and today I'm gonna be doing something a little different. My sister has been bugging me ever since I started my YouTube channel to do a Black Veil Brides cover and I kept telling her no cause I think I have a terrible voice and I didn't want to make a fool out of myself in front of 500,000 of you guys. But today I finally decided to do a cover. This is In the End by Black Veil Brides."

Then she began to sing. Damn this girl is good! I thought I would surprise her by giving her a like so I did. I then thought I should show the rest of the guys. "HEY GUYS COME HERE! I NEED TO SHOW YOU SOMETHING!" I screamed. They all came to the back of the bus. "What is it this time Purdy?" Andy asked. I pointed to the computer screen. "Watch." I then pressed play. By the time the video was over, I looked at their faces. Andy and Jinxx's mouths were dropped and Jake and CC's eyes were huge. "Damn she's good." Andy said. "Who is she?!" Jake asked. "Her name is Bekah Silvers and she's coming to the show on next week!" I said. "We need to get her on stage to sing with us Ashley!" Andy said. I nodded my head. "I know the perfect idea." I said.

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