Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: Enjoy!


Siobhan's P.O.V

Apprehensively, I sat in Gumbo. I was ready to leave.

Tamika was suppose to be here thirty minutes ago! Where was this bitch? I wasted half a bottle of foundation on my face for this girl!

If she stood me up, I'll go to her house and teach her a lesson she'll never forget.

"Would you like anything?" A waiter asked me. I shook my head. I was about to leave anyways. I got on my feet and packed my things together. I was about to walk to the door when it swung open and Tamika sauntered in the restaurant like she owned the damn place. I sat back down and shot daggers at her.

Tamika walked up to the little table I sat at and placed her butt on the chair. "How dare you keep me waiting here, Tamika. We settled on seven o'clock not seven thirty!"

"I know! I'm sorry. I was too caught up on things like my wedding that I arrived here late." Tamika said. Once she bought up the wedding, I became uninterested in what she was saying. I had no business in Tamika's wedding so why should I listen to her talk about it.

You could feel the tension between the two. It was so thick you could cut the air with a knife...I wish I could just take that knife cut off her head.

I fumbled with my hand while Tamika played with her hair. Tamika finally gained the courage to say something. "Um, I decided that I want you to come to my wedding."


"Yeah." Tamika said nervously. When Tamika saw that I didn't give a shit about anything she said, she sighed.

"Siobhan, I'm trying to bring back our friendship. I was wrong when I attacked you. It was just my instincts, you know?!"

"No I don't know. Tamika, you punched me in fucking public! Plus, you accused me for an act I didn't do!"

"I was just angry. I thought you were the one who jacked up my car. You know how much that car means to me."

"I know how much that car means to you. That's why I would never do anything to it." I said. Tamika ran her hands through her hair. She bought up her bag fished for something in it. She then brought out a piece of paper in an envelope.

"Here. This is the invitation to my wedding." She said. I grabbed the envelope and placed it on my table. I didn't know if I did or didn't want to attend this. But, I'd think it over some other time.

"To get into the wedding, you have to show this invitation to the people at the door. Security is going to be pretty tight." She said. "We don't want any interruptions during Ray Ray's and I special day."

I nodded my head. Tamika brung out her cellphone and stared at it. "Okay. Thanks for coming. I need to leave. Ray Ray's blowing up my phone. He's too overprotective of me." She said. She rose up and walked out of Gumbo. Bitch.


Prince's P.O.V

I pulled out a black gun and placed it on Craig's temple.

"My name is Prince...lemme just cut to the chase." I said. I pressed the cold weapon harder against Craig's head. I knew everything about Craig. I knew that his favorite color is red, he likes to eat chicken, he spends his time watching sports on the T.V and more. "You're a big asshole. Why are you doing this to Siobhan?"

Craig frantically shook his head. He couldn't reply back to me since my hand covered his mouth.

"You should rot in hell for this but that wouldn't be fair to Shivy because she loves you and not me!" I yelled out in anger. I could smell the fear which Craig had but I didn't care.

"Whenever you get back home, I want you to tell Siobhan what the hell is going on or else I'll hurt you so bad, you'd believe I was Freddy and Jason combined. You get the memo?" I asked. Craig whimpered and nodded. "Good."

I removed my hand from Craig's mouth. I held his hands behind his back. I wasn't going to let him go off easily. I pushed Craig to the ground and kicked him on the shoulder.

"Ow!" He yelped in pain.

"If Shivy hears one word about this, I'll strangle you with my bare hands."

On that note, I hit Craig's head with the grip of the gun and smoothly walked off while Craig laid on the ground unconscious.


Siobhan's P.O.V

Now, I was at home. I sat on my bed wondering where the hell Craig was. I hope I didn't drive him too crazy. I still wasn't over the fact that Craig was cheating with another girl -- or should I say Chelsey.

Don't worry. I'll handle that bitch and I'll handle her good.


A/N: What will happen to Craig?! What about Siobhan and Tamika? Should Siobhan go to the wedding? I see that Prince's actions are kinda helping Siobhan but do you trust Prince?

This is a short chapter. Sorry for it. I'm just really pissed. Oh my gosh. I feel like a lousy writer because I wrote such a short chapter and you see thee writers writing ten page chapters... Okay. Sorry for mistakes.

5+ comments for the next chapter.

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