(14) Anti POV

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I kicked the corpse away, anger still pulsing through me, and sprinted in the first direction I turned to, not giving two shits about where I was or where I was going. I wanted to get as far away from Dark as possible. I needed to get as far away from Dark as possible. I hated him, he hated me, why couldn't things have just stayed that simple?

Part of me felt bad about leaving Sky alone with him, but I'm sure she'd be able to get away if she wanted to. As for Lefty, I still felt nothing. No guilt. No regret. Huh. I guess I just needed to see something else suffer.

I kept sprinting until I no longer knew where I had come from, or which direction to go in. Stupid idea, really, now that I think about it. I don't know where I am. Sky doesn't know where I am. Well at least Dark doesn't know. I knew I couldn't hide from him forever, but I was going to damn well try to. And anyway, it's not like he'd even want to know.

Seeing as I was utterly lost, I wandered around, occasionally making note on certain objects that I passed. As it started to get dark, I realised I had walk in one big circle, eventually coming to a stop where I began. I huffed in annoyance as I climbed a nearby tree and settled on one of the higher branches, staring up at the stars.

I scoffed at them and let sleep consume me, closung my eyes and thinking about what I would do tomorrow. No fucking clue. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day.

I woke to the sound of branches rustling nearby. I tried to tell myself that it was just a squirrel or something, but I couldn't shake the creeping sense of doubt as I dropped to the floor, being careful not to make a sound. Looking back up at the tree, i saw a shape, that was far too big to be a squirrel, duck behind one of the branches.

I opened my mouth to call out to them, but they cut me off.

"I know what you are."
"You're a demon. Of course you are. Everyone is nowadays."
"Uh, i have no idea what you're talking about, but i have to go, so..."

I quickly turned to leave and, no sooner had I taken a step, I felt something heavy strike the back of my head. Dazed, I slowly spun back around to face my attacker.

She was about the same height as me, her long black hair tied back in a ponytail. She had, what I hoped was, red paint on her face, in some sort of pattern that i didn't recognise, and in her hand she held a small (but deadly if used correctly) plank of wood.

"I go by Channpreet, or Channu, to others."
"Uhm- hi?"

She said nothing, just swung the plank above her head and brought it down onto my skull with a sickening crack. The last thing I heard was a soft cackle, before my mind went numb and I faded into unconsciousness.

I woke up in a place I didn't recognise, and, when I tried to move, realised that I had thick, practically unbreakable ropes wrapped around my wrists. When I tried to move, they rubbed against my skin, leaving fierce burns in their wake.

I hissed as I struggled against the ropes, the burns becoming more and more painful. After a while, my wrists couldn't take anymore, and I had to stop before I really hurt myself.

I sensed someone enter the room, and lifted my head, only to growl when I saw that it was "Channpreet". She was standing across from me, unfortunately just out of reach, so I rocked back onto my heels and glared at her.

"You can go if you tell me where he is."
"What? Who? Does anything you say make sense?"
"Come again?"

She huffed

"Darkiplier! Are all demons as slow as you?"
"Yes. And what about him?"
"I'm looking for him. Now where is he?!"

My first instinct was to tell her exactly where he was, even give her directions where necessary, but something told me to keep quiet.

"I asked you something."
"Yes, I heard. My tiny demon brain needs a little while to process the question."
"I have no idea."
"You're lying. I can smell his scent on you. You have been with him and you know where he is. So tell me."

She drew a blade from a small sheath in her belt, probably to seem threatening, and I sneered at her.

"I won't tell you anythi--"

I was cut off by the sole of her boot colliding with my face, sending me sprawling on the floor with a groan of pain. Channpreet kicked me in the ribs and spat on the floor beside me. Gross. She then yanked my bound hands away from my chest and wedged her knife into where my heart would be or, in my case, where my soul hole was. I screamed and arched my back, the pain unbearable, until I collapsed back onto the floor, sweat plastering my green hair to my head.


Oki i got this one done today, phew. It's a start 😂. I sowwy for the last couple of lines, but it gets better, trust me.

Next chapter will probably be up like, um, next week? Maybe? I don't know anymore, if I'm being honest, it's just when I have time/when i can be bothered 😇😁😂

G'day ol' chaps

*tips hat*


*gallops away*


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