(9) Dark POV

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I decided I had done enough moping around for one night, so the next morning I headed back towards where Anti and I were staying. I wasn't going to apologise, though. Why should I? He pushed me to my limit, so, not my fault.

I hoped he had learned his lesson about asking me questions, because next time I wasn't going to be nice enough to walk away, and he really wouldn't see the light of tomorrow.

My thoughts were interrupted by a shrill yowl that rang through my ears. I turned my head towards the source of the sound, and saw a black and white cat being chased by a small black puppy with a torn left ear. The puppy stopped chasing the cat when it spotted me, and he let it go to come and give my boot a cautious sniff. I bent down to pick him up, and a smile tugged at the corners of my mouth as he curled up in my arms. I was grinning like an idiot when I arrived at where I presumed Anti would be.

All events of the day before forgotten, I leaned into the blanket of darkness that lay beyond the doorway of his... um... home?

"Anti? Anti, you there?"

He poked his head out into the sunlight

"Dark? I thought you weren't coming back?"
"Does it look like like I'm not coming back?"
"What have you got there?" He asked, spotting the bundle in my arms. He stepped outside to peer at the puppy.

"Adorable, right?"
"He is kinda cute..."
"Exactly. I'm keeping him."
"Dark, you know you don't have the time or resources for a dog. And anyway, his owner is out there somewhere. They must be worried sick."

Upon closer inspection, I realised that he was right. The ball of cuteness in my arms did indeed have a collar, and it read only "Lefty". No other information, just the puppy's name.

"So your name is Lefty, huh?"

I spoke softly to the puppy, so as not to alarm him, and saw a spark of amusement light up Anti's eyes.

"Aww, Darky, you're nothing but a big softie."
"Oh, you so did not just say that."
"I believe I did."

I growled slightly at him, still wary of Lefty's presence.

"What are you gonna do about it, softie? Or are you all bark, no bite?"

There it was again. That spark of amusement. He was enjoying this.

I decided to play along with his little game, and let my fangs slide into place before growling at him once more, but a little louder.

He opened his mouth to, no doubt, insult me again, when he was interrupted by an unfamiliar voice heading this way.

"Lefty? Lefty, I know you're around here somewhere!"
"Is that a--"
"Human? Probably! Drop Lefty and hide!"
"You expect me to--"
"Lef- oh -um- hi, sorry to bother you, I'm just looking for my dog. He's a small, black- omigosh! Lefty! Thanks for finding him."

She had noticed him in my arms and stepped towards me to take him as I held him out to her. As she took him, I noticed something unsettling.

"So, what's your name, anyway?"
"Oh, sorry! My name's Sky. Sky Durran."
"I was afraid of that..."
"Wait, aren't you--"
"Hahaha... Anyway, I'm Darkiplier and this is Antisepticeye."
"You can call us Dark and Anti, though."
"Hm. You're pretty polite for demons."
"Huh? How could you tell?"
"Well, first of all, your eyes, duh. Second of all," she gestured to me, "he's the dickbag that killed me!"
Realisation crossed Anti's expression.
"That explains the marks on your neck, then."

She smiled at him genuinely for the first time, and it actually suited her. Her and Anti wandered off, talking and laughing about god knows what, leaving me with Lefty.

I looked down at him to see him staring up expectantly at me. I chuckled and retrieved a nearby stick to throw for him.

After a while, I could sense him tiring, so I scooped him up into my arms, smiling as he nuzzled into my suit. I then took him to my place.

After gently placing him onto the old mattress, I realised that I had heard nothing to inform me that Sky and Anti were back from their little wander. I waited a little while, before the curiosity that had been gnawing at me finally got the best of me.

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