(1) Anti POV

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Sometimes I wish I had emotions. That I was able to feel things other than hate or anger. Sometimes I hate being emotionless. I just want to be normal. I hate that I'm a demon, and I hate being stuck in Hell.

Screwing my eyes up in pain as another migraine struck, I punched the wall in frustration until my knuckles started to bleed, and only stopped when I felt someone pull me away.

Wilford and his feelings. Great.

Technically, Wilford isn't a demon, he was just sent down here for all of the crimes he commited. Pfft. Childs play.

"Why, hello Anti, my main man!"
"Um, hi"
"So, uh, wanna explain the whole,  'punch the wall' situation?"
"Not really."
"Oh. Okay."

Its not that I hated Wilford entirely,  I just find that he always wants to talk about things, especially feelings. And my first rule is that you just DON'T discuss feelings.

"Well, anyway, I'm always here if you want to talk. See ya around!"

After watching Wilford skip away, knife in hand and a crazed expression on his face, I heard someone calling my name.

"Antisepticeye? Antisepticeye?"
"Google? What do you want now?"
"I have been given a new primary objective. Tell Antisepticeye that he has a new target."
"Hooray. Who now?"
"Sky Durran. Female. Lives at 10 Royale Street. 5 foot 8 inches. Parents divorc--"
"OK! Sky Durran, Royale Street! I didn't need a biography, Google! Jeez!"

He didn't reply, just turned in one swift movement and stalked off. I sighed and rolled my eyes at the back of his head before focusing on my task. First rule down here, you get given a task, you do it. Without fail.

Royale Street... Well that takes me on a trip down memory lane. My very first kill was down there. Ah, memories of blood curdling screams and begs for mercy... It was the first time I'd ever felt so...


Ever since then, I've always tried to get higher in my ranking as a hitman, as they get the more difficult kills, and I'm always up for a challenge. Unfortunately, other, better, demons also have the same idea, resulting in my ranking being lowered. One demon in particular always manages to one up me, no matter what the circumstance. He goes by Dark, short for Darkiplier.

A/N -
I promise it gets better later on *laughs nervously* *casually leaves through window* *shouting over shoulder as I run for the hills* I PROMISE IT GETS BETTERRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrr...

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