(5) Anti POV

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I couldn't believe my ears. Banished?! All thanks to that stuck up son of a bitch who decided today was a good day to mess up my mission by going after my target and ruining my chances!

It wasn't even as if I could just leave, because no demon can survive in the human world without another demon to accompany them. Great. Now I'm stuck with him.

I was so busy sulking about it that I didn't realise Dark had left, at least not until her came back and grabbed me roughly by the shoulder, steering me forwards. Hmm. I kind of expected him to just leave me there.

Whilst walking down backstreets, alleyways and rooftops, just generally staying where we couldn't be seen, (we couldn't fly, because of Dark's wing. Oopsie!), what had really happened began to sink in. Everything I'd left behind. Everyone I'd left behind. Hell, I even missed Wilford and his nonstop chatter about feelings. I even thought about my so-called family that I'd grown to respect over the years.

It wasn't until I noticed that Dark had his gaze fixed on me that I realised I had thick, black tears spilling from my eyes and down my cheeks.

He cautiously stepped towards me, as if not wanting to alarm me, and held up his hands in a slight gesture of surrender. Without even thinking, I threw myself into his arms and cried onto his shoulder. He stood rigid for a moment, before gently but awkwardly putting his arms around me.

I can't even explain what I felt at that moment. All I can say is that, there, in his arms, I felt I could tell him anything. That nothing could get to me anymore. That I was safe.

That he would keep me safe.


Dark POV

I don't know why I did it. He just looked so broken, so, when he collapsed into me, I just had to put my arms around him. Something inside of me told me that he was my responsibility and that I had to protect him.

What was wrong with me?! I couldn't let my guard down, especially not to him!

I cleared my throat and shoved him away, hard enough to make him stumble. A small part of me regretted it, and that small part got a little bigger when he looked up at me, and I saw pain flash across those mismatched eyes, quickly replaced with a cool glare.

"Where are we going anyway?" He sniffed.
"Well, I know an abandoned part of town we can go to?"
"And you're sure its abandoned?"
"Lead the way."

Neither of us spoke on the way there, and, when we arrived, we both went our separate ways. It was odd that I actually felt bad about hurting him, but, as always, I had to keep my reputation. Oh well. Im a demon, I shouldn't have friends.

After finding a suitable place, (I may be a demon, but I have standards), I sunk onto an old mattress and tried to ignore the tingling feeling in my chest as I let sleep consume me.

Mere hours later, I was awoken by a searing pain in my chest. Bolting upright and throwing off my shirt, I tried not to think about the pain as I inspected my chest.


Not this.

Please not this.

I had an upside down heart carved into the left sude of my chest, 'carved' meaning utterly hollow. Sure enough, as I went to touch it, my finger passed straight through it, sending a shiver of dread down my spine.

This one supposedly harmless symbol brought on an overwhelming amount of memories with it, good memories, bad memories, memories I had spent years trying to forget. Memories of cuts, bruises, shouting, tears.

Pain. Lots of pain.

I howled as the pain in my chest intensified, before spreading, engulfing me like a blanket of pine needles. Images flashed before my eyes, and the last thing I heard was a panicked voice calling my name, before I passed out.

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