(13) Dark POV

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I sat up so that we were face to face, and tilted his head slightly with my thumb and forefinger on his chin, leaning towards him.

Ignoring everything in my head that was screaming at me to stop, I leaned in even closer, so that we were almost nose to nose.

"You sure about this?" I breathed, my face centimetres from his.
"Couldn't be more certain."

His eyelids fluttered closed as I closed the gap between us and pressed my lips to his. My head was telling me that this was wrong, and that it'll end up like it did last time, but, in that moment, I couldn't have cared less.

I felt two hands on my chest before I was shoved backwards, Anti looking at me, horrified and confused.

"I- we- um- I gott-gotta go, b-bye!"

He turned and broke into a run as he left the building at full speed.

I stood up, swaying slightly, and thought about what just happened. What did just happen? My head was buzzing slightly, and I couldn't think straight. I kicked the wall beside me in frustration, and heard a satisfying crack as I broke whatever material it was. I kicked it again and, this time, my foot went straight through it. I paced around the room, mumbling to myself about how stupid I was, and how I let my guard down, and, most importantly, how it was my own fault.

Anti POV

While kissing Dark, something in my head kept objecting, telling me that it was wrong, that it shouldn't be happening, so I shoved him away. Seeing the confusion in his eyes only made me angry, so I ran all the way to my place, where I found Sky.

"I heard your conversation."
My voice was sharp and unforgiving, but it didn't phase her. I sat in hateful silence until she spoke softly again.

"He kissed you, didn't he?"

Lefty had jumped onto my lap as if to comfort me, and now Sky was talking to me as if I was going to cry at any moment. These things only frustrated me more.

"And!? Your point is?!?"
"Wow. Who pushed who away, because theres no way you would come back in this mood after your first kiss."

Her feeble attempt at a joke pushed me over the edge. I shoved Lefty onto the floor, satisfied at the yelp that escaped him, and threw my fist into the wall behind me, hearing it give way with a crunch.

"Anti! What the fuck!?"
Sky had crouched down next to Lefty.
"I'm sure it must hurt, but--"
"Hurt? You think it hurt me?! It's been so long since I felt as free as this!"
"Anti, please, this isn't going to help--"

I didn't let her finish, and I stormed outside, itching to dig my claws into something. Lefty ran past me suddenly, but I pushed down the urge to tear him to shreds. Instead, I slunk down an alley, knowing that someone will pass by me sooner or later. Knowing that I wouldn't regret it even in the slightest.

Dark POV

I sat with my head in my hands, seething and shaking with self loathing. I heard someone scoff in front of me and looked up to see Sky standing there, arms crossed.

"What?!" I hissed, annoyed at just her presence.
"Come again?"
"You have now upgraded from a douchebag to a complete fuckface. Well done."
"Aww, you travelled all this way to see me and tell me the big news, how sweet(!)"
My voice was dripping with sarcasm as I turned away from her.
"That the only reason you came? If so, please leave."
She scoffed again.
"Just go."
She paused.
"Look, I'm sorry for being such a bitch, alright?"
"Wait... are you... apologising? "
"Don't make me hurt you."
"Fine. Apology accepted, I suppose."
She gave me a small smile which I returned shakily.
"Anyway, I doubt you came here just to insult me and apologise, so what's up?"
"It's Lefty. He's gone."

All self loathing gone, I jumped to my feet.

"Firstly, where have you looked? Secondly, why didn't you ask Anti?"
"Firstly, my place, Anti's place and-" she looked around "-your place. Secondly, that's none of your business so unless you don't want to help me, get your sorry ass up and look."
She grinned at me before strutting out like she owned the place. I sighed at the back of her head before following suit. We wandered around for a good while, whistling and calling Lefty's name. As we were making our way to Sky's place, a black shape caught my eye. It was Lefty, and he was hiding behind a mound of trash that had been thrown beside the dumpster. I scooped him up and gave him to Sky, who immediately began to speed walk to her place. However, she turned, and called "thank you" to me as she left, smiling as I replied with "no problem".

I made my way to my place, as it had started to get dark, and sat down against the wall. My thoughts wandered until my mind was focused on Anti. He hadn't come back yet. Not that I cared, but I couldn't shake the ever growing fear that something bad had happened to him. Oh well. Good riddance, I guess. I tried to persuade myself that he was just sulking somewhere like a baby, but I didn't succeed.

"Maybe I'll ask Sky tomorrow, but only if he isn't back by then." I mumbled to myself, settling down for another night of cold darkness, otherwise known as sleep.


Phew I'm glad that was better than last time.

The plot thickens...

Onto the next!

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