'Don't trip and break your neck!'

By the time she reached the top floor her patience had ran out completely. "Who the hell created these things..." She grumbled for the thousandth time that minute. Her feet ached and the floor felt like it was made of ice and she would slip any moment. It was beyond her to understand how other women manage to look graceful while going through such torment.

Catherine stole a glance around, making sure no one payed attention to her as she kicked off her shoes and left them laying on the floor under someone's work desk that was located in front of Layton's private office. A satisfied sigh escaped her lips as she felt cold tiles against her sore feet, calming the searing sensation. It felt so good that she could particularly hear angels singing in heavens.

"You're late!" A high-pitched voice pulled her out from her thoughts. Looking over she saw a girl with platinum blonde hair that were pulled back in low pony-tail rushing towards her. She was wearing rather revealing blouse and skirt tad shorter than would be considered suitable for office. "Mr. Grim is waiting for his coffee for whole five minutes! You should've arrived earlier!" The woman scolded, scowling at her.

Catherine looked up at clock on the opposite wall. It was 8.45. "I'm not late for anything." She stated dryly, but the blonde ignored her.

"Bring him his coffee!" She yelled, pushing a tray she was carrying in her hands. "Make sure not to spill it or he'll fire you." It was more a threat than a friendly warning. The woman gave her one last reproachful look before continuing her way down the hallway in quick pace.

"What a bitch..." Catherine shook her head, looking down at the cup of black coffee that was placed on a tray. She bit the edge of a smile when an idea came to her head. A plan was hatching, a beautiful plan. It was worth giving a shot. Her attempt to keep her creeping grin at bay was in vain, but she managed not to laugh out loud. Letting out a breath, she entered Layton's office.

He sat behind his desk, staring at computers screen with creased eyebrows. Layton didn't spare a glance at her as she came in, continuing to glare daggers at his laptop. "You're late." His voice rumbled with clear dissatisfaction.

"Why do I keep hearing that despite the fact that i'm not late." Catherine retorted.

Layton let his eyes roll to the woman in front of him. He merely glanced her over, but she could feel the heat of his stare on her. A cold fire that burned her to bone and paralyzed her thoughts. Again, there was this dreadful feeling in pit her stomach. "You look good in clothes I picked for you." He commented, letting his gaze drop to her bare feet. "What happened to your shoes?" He raised an eyebrow in slight amusement which mixed with an emotion she couldn't quite put her finger on.

"If you mean those Spanish boots, I lost them."

"Then I suggest you to find them, they were expensive." Layton gave her a bored look, not impressed by her answer one bit as if he was expecting something more entertaining. "What are you standing around for? Bring me my coffee already." He said in bossy manner. Catherine had to bite her tongue not to snap at him.

She fought a smile that threatened to show, carrying the salver towards her target. Her eyes sparkled mischievously, giving away that she up to no good. Her high school math teacher had once said that her exuberance for trouble was a contagion. Maybe so, but at least she knew how to have fun and get on others nerves when they deserved it...or she just felt like it.

The urge to do it overrode nagging doubt and as soon as she was standing besides him, Catherine tilted the tray to the side and let the coffee spill all over his perfectly white dress shirt.

As the hot drink came in contact with his skin Layton shot up from his chair. "Fuck!" He yelled, pulling the drenched fabric away from his chest.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! Aren't I clumsy today!?" Catherine snickered, quickly covering her mouth as she released her mistake.

His glare that now was fixed on her took away the glory of her victory (of sorts). She visibly wilted before his first clipped word was uttered. With that look alone she could feel the temperature around them drop for few degrees.

"You did it on purpose." His dominating voice boomed through the office. "That was a very foolish move, spitfire." There was something menacing about his tone that send uncomfortable shivers down her spine.

"What are you doing?" Catherine barely kept herself from stuttering as he slowly begun to unbutton his shirt, exposing his toned chest and six pack. He had a body of a Greek God and face that could make anyone stop in their tracks to stare at him, but his eyes were sharp like two blades. He never once looked away from her as he proceeded to take off his shirt and toss it on his leather chair.

"I think we're both aware of what i'm doing. Or could it be that you're really that ignorant?"

"Is that really the best thing you can come up with!? If you want to insult me at least come up with something more original!" Catherine fired back, her confidence returning with spark of anger.

It was a mistake.

In blink of an eye Layton was in front of her, towering over her shorter form like wall of heat and muscle. His broad chest filled her field of vision, leaving no place for anything else. He grabbed her chin, forcefully tiling her head upwards so she was staring straight into his eyes. The grip was bruising and for a moment she thought she could kiss all her bones goodbye, but his expression was one of implicit composure.

Her eyes widened slightly at his next words.

"I could just kiss you to shut that mouth of yours..." 

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