Bloody hell

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Night sky blue eyes pealed open as his body felt like dead weight and something was pulling him down. He groaned as he dragged his hand up to his head and saw blood.

Lotor grunted holding his wounded stomach as there was dried blood around the open wound. He panted sitting up as it was almost pitch black around him. But a light from above was enough to be able to focus his eyes around him.

Lotor slowly finally got to his feet with a scowl and tried to find a wall to lean against but his hand landed on the ground but felt something on the ground and picked it up. He narrowed his eyes trying to see what it was but felt it as a flare.

He ripped the flare open and red light surrounded him but a roar from something made him turn around quickly and a scream escaped his throat as there was a rabid that ran at the light but a chain around its neck held the thing back.

"Bloody hell," Lotor backed away from the rabid chained back but another one appeared behind him as he jumped away from it. He held the flare up high and saw he was surrounded by chained up rabids. So this is what the moles did with them.

He glanced up seeing there was a hole where there was the moon light. It was the hole they threw the rabids down. There had to be a ladder near then.

Lotor glared looking around ignoring the smell and the sound of the diseased around him and saw a ladder behind many.

He pursed his lips with a glare trying to figure out how to get to the exit hell escape by. But then he remembered Lance. He was still in that prison.

"Don't worry, they'll throw another one of us in here that they think is dying or is dead," a voice said behind him and Lotor saw a familiar face.

"Zethrid?" He walked towards her and saw she was covering on of her eyes.

"Hey... Sir..." She didn't look at him.

"My friend I'm pleasured to see you again," he knelt next to her as the flare was starting to dim. She held up another one for him.

"Don't be, I failed," Zethrid said flatly as she moved her hair and he saw a scar over her eye as it was wounded as well. She would be blind in that eye.

"No, your still here, that's all that's important, are you hurt anywhere else?" He asked as he dropped the old flare before it went out but a rabid snatched it and soon it was dark again. He lit the next one.

"My shoulder, my back, they stabbed me from behind," she grunted moving and Lotor saw stab wounds.

"I blacked out and they thought I was dead, so they threw me in here for these bastards," she spat and Lotor helper her up.

"We're getting out Zethrid, there is a ladder to the exit, it's just blocked," Lotor said pointed and she saw.

"Got a plan?" She asked and Lotor moved he flare seeing the rabids following with snarls and gurgled.

"Do you have another?" He asked putting his hair up out of his face.

"No but I have matches," she grabbed from her boot and handed them to him.

"Throw the flare right not to far but enough to part them," Lotor said as he lit a match to set the rest of the packet on fire and threw it left just as she threw right.

"Zethrid go!" He shouted and she limped to the ladder as Lotor held his wounded side running behind her but a rabid came back and was about to attack Zethrid. He snarled grabbed it's jaw and pulled it away from her before it bit her leg and he ripped it down to the ground and slammed his foot into its head.

"Lotor come on!" She held her hand out for him. He made a leap of faith and her callused hand wrapped around his wrist as he gripped hers.

Lotor grunted as they climbed up the ladder as a gust of cool night breeze when they climbed out. He looked around seeing he was free.

"Which way?" Zethrid asked panting hard.

"East is altea, south is empire, we are west, but altea is closest, we have to warn them and tell Allura," Lotor gulped back a gasp of pain when he started to walk but his knees started to shake as he leaned against a tree. He removed his hand from his side and saw fresh blood.

"Damn," he breathed and Zethrid limped over to him and saw.

"It's only five miles from here, lets go," Lotor grunted but grunted again when a figure grabbed him by the throat and pinned him to the tree with a small blade near his throat.

"Lotor?" Violet eyes looked up at him and let go as Ezor looked at him and Zethrid wide eyes.

"Zethrid!" She wrapped her arms around the larger woman happily.

"I thought they got you two?" Ezor gasped covering her mouth and looked at them again seeing the blood more clear.

"They did, they have hundreds of us," Lotor grunted leaning against the tree. "Now dear friend, can we please get to a medical unit?"

Ezor nodded smiling and hugged him quickly in relief that her friends weren't dead.

"You guys look like hell," she smirked as she put Lotors arm around her shoulders and Zethrid smiled at her gently.

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