Chapter Eleven

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July 15th

I am still in the hospital. I have gotten a bit better. I start chemo in two weeks. I'm afraid that I am going to lose my hair. The door opened. I am surprised to see Kevin's mom.

"My daughter in law how are you doing?" She asked me. "What are you doing here?" I said in a raspy voice. "I came all the way from the U. S. to see how you are. Kevin told me that you had cancer." She mentioned.

Why does she care about me now? I've always been some type of evil person to her. "I know that I've treated you badly but I've changed. I'm not the same person that hated you and the daughter that you share with Kevin." She assured me.

Change? How could she change so fast? What made her to change? "Why now?" I coughed. "I am getting older and I don't need everyone to hate me when I'm getting closer to my grave." She mentioned.

"I didn't hate you but I disliked you. You were always saying how I wasn't good for your son. Did you come to apologize because I'm not with him anymore?" I asked. "No I came to apologize because I realized what I said to you wasn't something I should've said." She mentioned.

I nodded. "I don't forgive you yet." I told her. She nodded. It's going to take me some time to forgive her. I don't forgive some people so easily.

"How have you been feeling?" She asked. "I'm getting better." I stated. I don't feel that weak anymore. I hope I get stronger. We talked for a little bit. "Hey babe." Kevin kissed my forehead. "Hi." I said.

"Did my mom apologize?" He asked me. "Of course, I did." His mom answered. "Did you forgive her, Nadia?" He questioned. "Not yet." I replied.

"Well, you'll forgive when you feel like it." He smiled. He sat down on one of the chairs. The doctor came in the room.

"It seems like your a bit stronger so we can release you today." He mentioned. I nodded. I'm glad. I've gotten sick of being here. "The nurse will come in with papers for you to sign." He mentioned and then he left.

"Did you call my work, Kevin?" I questioned. "I did. I told them what was going on with you and that you're not able to work anymore. Your boss asked me if I am family and I said yes. I also said that I'm your fiancée." He mentioned.

Kevin wants us to be back together but what if I die. It'll be hard for him to get past that. "Nadia?" Kevin's mom said. "Yes." I answered. "You know that Kevin loves you so why won't you two get back together?" She wondered.

"I have a bad condition and I don't want it to be hard on him if I die." I stated. "It's always going to be hard on me if you die. It doesn't matter if we're together or not." He inputed. "I know God will push you pass this. This is only an obstacle." Kevin's mom praised.

I hope that God helps me get through this. "Can we try being together again?" Kevin hoped. "We can try." I decided. I couldn't wait to go home and see my daughter.


I finished cooking. I am going to take the food I'm making over to Nadia's house since she's home now. My phone started ringing.

It's an unknown number. I declined it because I don't know who's calling. The person called again. I answered it. "Hello." I said. "Is this Alphonse Forba's wife?" The man asked.

"Yes." I answered. "Your husband was in a car accident a couple of months ago and he's in a coma. We just found his phone which was in his hotel room." The man said. "A coma." I whispered to myself.

He hasn't called because he's been in a coma. He told me he'll be out of town for a week. It makes sense why he didn't come back.

I had tears falling down. He didn't just leave me with an unborn child. "Are you still there?" The man asked. "Yes." I said. "If you'd like to see him he's at Monrow Hospital in Newport, Wales." He informed me.

"I'll see him when I can." I said. "Ok. Have a good day Mrs." He said. "You too." I said. I ended the call. I put the food in a bowl and then I put the cover on. I grabbed the bag and then I put the bowl in my car. I went back and locked the door.

I headed to Nadia's house. I was worried about Nadia staying home alone. Kevin said he's going to start staying with her which was against Nadia's rule. She likes to be independent but now she's going to need some help.

I put the bowl on the floor and then I rang the doorbell. Kevin opened the door. I picked up the bowl. Kevin took it from me. "Thanks. She's really going to like this." He thanked.

I entered the house. "Where is she?" I asked. "In her room." Kevin turned around and he went to the kitchen. I went to Nadia's room.

"Hey." I said. She stared at me for a while. "What's wrong?" She wondered. "Alphonse had a car accident so he's in a coma." I told her. "You and Kevin should go see him." She suggested.

"Kevin needs to watch you." I mentioned. "I'll be fine." She assured me. She'll be the opposite of that. She's not completely strong to be considered fine.

"I'll go by myself." I decided. She needs Kevin by her side at all times. "You can't do that. You're pregnant and that's a long distance." She objected. "Long-distance drives don't bother me." I shrugged.

"If you won't go with Kevin, go with Dencia." She sighed. I was not going to win this argument. "Fine. I will ask her." I agreed.

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