Chapter Seven

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April 9th

I put my bags and keys on the table. I got a water bottle from the fridge. I just got back from work. It's been a long day.

Alphonse and I got into a fight a couple of days ago. He's distant. I feel like he's hiding something. I rushed to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth after I puked. "Are you ok?" I could see Alphonse through the mirror. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came to check on you. It seems like you're not ok." He stated. "I'm fine." I said. "You're not. It's like you're third time throwing up." He mentioned.

"Fifth." I corrected. I rinsed off my toothbrush and I put it where it was supposed to go. I left the bathroom. "Are you sure you're not pregnant?" He asked. "I'm not." I snapped.

I have been taking the pill. There's no way I'm pregnant. "You need to see a doctor." He advised. "What are you hiding?" I asked. He stayed quite.

"I told Kevin that Nadia likes him. Kevin told Nadia that he's in a relationship and now she knows that you and I know about it." He said. He could've told me that a couple of days ago and saved me the heartache.

"Why didn't you tell me when I asked what was going on?" I wondered. "I knew you were going to be mad. You told me not to tell Kevin and I did." He mentioned.

"You shouldn't have. He didn't need to know." I yelled. "Yelling isn't good for the baby." He stated. "I'm not pregnant." I playfully pushed him. "You are." He objected.


"Babe." Tatiana said. "Yes." I said. "So when can I see Bella?" She rubbed my arm. "I'm not sure yet." I answered. Nadia has been ignoring my calls. I guess it's because she was the last person to know that I'm in a relationship.

"I thought you told Bella's mom about us." She stated. "I did but that doesn't mean that you can see Bella yet. I didn't even ask her mom about it." I told her. "Why didn't you Kevin?" She questioned.

I sighed. "Let's talk about something else." I suggested. "My mom wants me to visit her. I don't know if you want to come." She mentioned. It's too soon for me to meet her mom.

"We just started dating last month. It's not time for me to meet your mom yet." I told her. "Ok. I get it." She agreed.


I finished washing the dishes. I looked at my phone and it started ringing. It's Mia. This is the third time she's calling.

I pressed ignore. Mia should've told me that Kevin is in a relationship. I knew he was talking to someone but I didn't know it was that serious.

The doorbell ranged. I went to open the door. "Hey." Kevin said. "What are you doing here?" I inquired. "May I come in?" He asked. I opened the door wider.

He walked into the house. "Why have you been ignoring my calls?" He asked. "I was the only one who didn't know. Did someone pressure you to tell me?" I wondered.

"Alphonso did. I didn't know when I was going to. I only told you because Alphonse said you had feelings for me." He replied.

Mia wasn't supposed to tell anyone. She told Alphonse. Alphonse told Kevin and he isn't supposed to know.

"Those feelings are fake. Alphonse may have heard something different." I lied. Those feelings are real but he doesn't need to know that.

"I'm pretty sure if Alphonse misheard what Mia said, Mia will not allow him to have peace." Kevin asked. "Do you want a drink?" I asked. "No. I'm fine." He said.

"I talked to your sister-" My phone started ringing. I went to the kitchen and I picked up the phone. It's Mia.

I just decided to answer it. "Hello." I heard someone crying. "Nadia." Mia said through sobs. "Yes." I said.

"I'm... pregnant." She cried. "It's going to be ok Mia." I told her. Mia doesn't want a child till she's almost thirty. "What do I do?" She asked. "You keep it. Have you told Alphonse yet?" I wondered. "No." She said.

"You need to tell him. Mia there's nothing wrong with having a child in your early twenties." I told her. Mia is going to be a great mother.

I gave her some advice and then she decided to tell Alphonse about it. Mia will have the father of her unborn baby by her side. Something I didn't have, but that was my choice.

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