Chapter Six

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April 1st

I flipped the fried eggs I am making. I heard Bella crying. If I get her the eggs will burn. Alphonse walked into the kitchen. "Go get Bella. I'll finish making the eggs." Alphonse spoke. I nodded.

I went to my room. I changed her diaper. Bella stayed the night because her mom is working. When Bella and Nadia moved I don't see Bella as much as I would like to. I have been working most of the time.

I'm saving up for a laptop. I'm going to start school for nursing soon. My phone started ringing. It's my mom. "Hello mom." I greeted. "Kevin did you get a DNA test done?" She asked.

"What for? I know that she's my daughter." I told her. "Go and get it done." She ordered. My mom has never liked Nadia. She thinks that Bella isn't mine. "I am not going to." I denied.

"Is that how you should talk to me?" She asked. I shouldn't have said it in that tone. "No but I'm not going to get it done." I said. "I don't-" I ended the call before she could finish her sentence.

I know Bella is mine. I don't need a test to prove that. "Dada." Bella yelled. She hit me on the arm. I carried her. We went to the kitchen. Alphonse is sitting at the table eating eggs with bacon.

Alphonse has gotten better at cooking. He doesn't burn anything anymore. "Can you hold her for a little bit?" I asked. "Yeah." He answered. Alphonse took Bella from me.

I made Bella rice cereal. "I can feed her." Alphonse offered. I put Bella food in front of them. I grabbed a plate and I put some eggs and bacon on it. I ate at the table.

"Have you told Nadia yet?" Alphonse asked. "No. I haven't." I replied. Mia somehow found out about me and Tatiana and she told her right hand man about it.

"You have to let her know." He mentioned. "Why are you rushing me?" I wondered. "I shouldn't be saying this but she has some type of feelings for you." He informed me. Feelings? She said that we could never be together again.

I laughed. "What?" He asked. "She doesn't have any feelings for me." I denied. "You two are like best friends. Best friends can fall in love." He thought.

I didn't think of myself and her as best friends. We are close though. There is no way she has feelings for me. "A girl like her will never fall back in love with an ex that cheated on her." I mentioned.

"Some girls do. She might be one of them." He told me. She's not one of them. This has to be a misunderstanding.  "Who told you she has feelings for me?" I asked.

"Mia did." He answered. Of course, she did. Nadia tells Mia everything. She does have some feelings since Alphonse isn't inferring it.


I looked at the clock. It's 4:00. "I'm off." I told Sarah. Sarah nodded. I clocked out. I left the retail store.

Sarah is half Hispanic and half black. She's down to earth. I miss Bella so I'm just going to get her now instead of Kevin dropping her later.

I rang Kevin's door. I didn't hear the movements of walking. Alphonse and Kevin are loud walkers. I rang it again.

I can hear the movements now. The door opened. "HI." Kevin said. "Hi." I said. I walked into his flat. "Where's Bella?" I asked. "She's upstairs sleeping." He answered.

Kevin is wearing sweatpants and a shirt that looks good on him. I sat on one of the couches. Kevin sat on one across from me. "My mom called." He said.

Kevin's mother has never liked me. While Kevin and I were dating she always tried to break us apart. "My mom is pressuring me again. She thinks Bella isn't mine. She wants me to get a DNA test done." He told me.

"What do you mean again?" I wondered. "She bought this up last week." He told me. "Do you want to get the test done?" I asked. "I don't."  He said.

I know Bella is his. I'm not someone that's with multiple men at the same time. "I have something else to tell you." He mentioned. I nodded. "Well... I um have a girlfriend." He informed me.

"Has this your girlfriend met Bella yet?" I asked. "No. I needed to tell you about her first." He answered. "Does Mia and Alphonse know about this?" I wondered. He didn't answer.

Of course, they did. I'm the last one to know. Mia knows I have feelings for him and she didn't tell me that he was in a relationship.

"You know what. I'm going to get Bella and we are going to leave." I told him. I went upstairs to Kevin's room. I took Bella off of the bed. I made sure I was gentle. I left the flat.

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