Chapter Three

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January 8th

The call was from my mom. Dencia must've given her my number. Mia continued banging on the door. "Open up." She yelled. I ignored her request.

I sat down facing the opposite direction of the door. I'm not ready to speak to them yet. I don't forgive them for the stuff they said. "Nadia please opened this door." I heard Kevin's voice. I shook my head.

I'm not good enough for them. I never will be. I got pregnant and they hated that. They stopped being good parents to me. I heard Bella crying. I couldn't fight the urge to not get her. I opened the door. I took Bella from Kevin.

"Are you ok?" Kevin asked. I didn't respond. I swung side to side with Bella. "She won't stop crying." Kevin noticed. I checked her diaper. She needed a diaper change. I took her to the room. I put Bella on the bed. I turned around and I bumped into Kevin.

"Sorry." I whispered. I got Bella's wipes from her bag. I changed her diaper. "I spoke to your mom. She doesn't seem upset with me anymore but that isn't the point. She really misses you and she would like to talk to you." Kevin informed me. "Did she say anything else?" I questioned. "No." He answered quickly.

"Are you sure?" I wondered. I know there's something he's not telling me. "She um... wants me to give you a sincere apology about what I did." He mentioned. I picked Bella up and sat on the bed. She started to sleep.

All those times he apologized didn't mean anything. He didn't care about my feelings. "You don't have to." I decided. "I do." He took a deep breath. He sat next to me and he looked at me in my eyes. "I'm sorry Nadia. I should've thought about your feelings. I should've known I was hurting you. I wasn't the best boyfriend. I'm sorry for not noticing what I was really doing." Kevin had a tear coming down his eyes.

I lay Bella on the bed. "It's ok. I forgive you." I told him. "You shouldn't." He thought. "Well, I do." I told him. Kevin tried to grab my hands but I pushed them away from him. "What we had is over. We can't go back to that." I decided. He nodded. "Yeah, you're right." He agreed.

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