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"Quita pass me the knife" Pam said as she tied Chris up to he chair in the basement.

Chris was in the right place at the wrong time. Chris didn't know what was going on at the time. But Pam knew keeping Chris there would get them to Keith.

"you have the answers that we knee and you're going to give them to us. We don't want any other troubles we just need to know where's Keith."

"I told you before I didn't know where he was so how do I know now you have me knocked out for the past two hours. "

Quita was very scared. Her nerves had the best of her and she knew that the outcome of this wasn't going to be good.

"listen p.m. I don't think this is a good idea. Like do we really have to do all this just to get to Keith I mean I don't think he's hiding anywhere we can easily find him". Pam was getting frustrated.

"Well if that's the case we would've already found him so we are going to do it my way or we could do it your way and call the police where does that get us now hand me the knife"

Quita passed Pam the knife. Pam cut off a small piece of tape and tape Chris his mouth.
"We got all day. My kids are fine my boss is in the hospital so it's up to you".

Pam and Quita headed back up the stairs to give Chris a minute to think.

"Listen Quita. I'm not here to hurt anybody but Keith he's going to feel my wrath but I'm going to get through whoever I need to to get to him so calm down because were not hurting Him".

Quita didn't care she was ready to go home.

Ayeesha POV

Ayeesha waited for change of shift to get out her bed and get dressed as fast as she could. Her dad had left earlier that day and she had a plan to make it down to Anthony's room.

She was going to get down to the bottom of whatever Anthony had going on and find out why she have to live the rest of her life the way that she does.

She hurried up and put her hoodie on and laced up the shoe on that foot that wasn't broken.

She walk to the door looked up and down the hallway to make sure the coast is clear.

Around shift change she noticed that the hallways are really silent for a good 20 minutes so she knew that her time window was very short.

She grabbed her crutches that were by the sink and headed out the door with her hoodie on. As she got to the elevator The pain started to become noticeable.

She was determined so she tried to fight through the pain. She got on the elevator push the bottom level floor and went to the register desk to get the information on where Anthony's room could be.

They shared the same last name so wouldn't  be hard to find him.

The nurse gave her the information she needed and she was off.

The closer she got to his room to more steam buildup in her brain and she was almost ready to explode. She had already been through so much at this point where she was ready to let go on the first person that can feel her wrath.

She got to his room and peaked in the door. Upon her eyes she seen a skeleton. A lanky body just laying there with not much life in it.

Her first thought to herself was is that going to be me? Will that be me laying there in a hospital bed clinging to life? She still want her answers so she knocked on her door and let herself in.

Jamaica POV

"Keith what are you doing here" Jamaica held on to her baby so tight.

"So I can't see my daughter I can't see the baby that I create it with you?". Keith walked slowly towards her and her babygirl.

"Do you know how much trouble she calls do you know how much pain you caused do you know how much turmoil you cost like I can't even believe you have the audacity to be here right now like what made you even show up here you have no business here". Jamaica started to reach for her call bell.

"Baby wait wait wait please don't do that you don't have to do that don't call anybody I just want to see her even if it's for two seconds and I'll leave I promise I just want to see my baby girl".

Jamaica was hesitant but he was right it was his baby girl that he created with her so who is she to keep him from his child.

But in the same breath look at what he's done to her girlfriend and her friends look what he's done already so far that has messed up everything.

" you have five minutes and that's it and you have to leave if not I'm calling security"

Jamaica passed the baby to Keith hoping and praying he doesn't harm her babygirl. Keith held onto the baby like it was the last thing he had to cherish on earth.

"you will forever have my love baby girl I promise you until my last breath I will forever be in your life. "

"That's it Keith I want you to leave I need you to leave now"

Jamaica gently snatched the baby out of his hand and threatened to press the button "LEAVE" Jamaica was scared for her and her baby life.

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