10. More Truth

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More Truth
"Is she okay" Ayeesha got the phone call while she was with Romeo.

"Well when the EMT arrived she was passed out. We checked her blood levels and they were all fine. We checked on the baby and the baby is ok. But what we did fine is a torn blood vessel on the uterine wall. We stopped the bleeding and we are going to give her surgery as soon as her next in kin signed paperwork since she hasn't woken up since she arrived here".

Ayeesha didn't know what to say. Well do you think she's going to wake up soon?

"Well sometimes when people pass out and take more time than others to recover and for her she probably just needs some rest. If you need anything press this button I'll let you visit for a while I'll be back to check on her soon the nurse left the room".

"If you can hear me I am so sorry for yelling at you this morning and I'm so sorry for leaving. I just wish you would have told me this sooner. They said the baby is going to be ok. Hopefully we can talk about this soon get through this I just want you to be okay". She watched as Jamaica rest.

She was really upset but in reality this is who she loved she didn't want to see her hurt she didn't want to see her in any pain.

Ayeesha's brain was at sane state. Seeing her best friend her girlfriend the love of her life laying in the hospital bed with IVs running in her arm was not something that she was happy to see.

She felt responsible because she could have handled it in a more adult manner but instead she ran away.

"Whatever this is we could get through all of this I know we can". She sat there and held onto Jamaica's hand.

Keith pulled into the hospital parking lot and saw Ayeesha car. "

Fuck I knew she would beat me here I just got to see if she's ok but I don't want to risk any drama in the hospital while my baby is in there". Keith pulled into the empty parking lot space.

He pulled out his phone and call his wife. "Hello".

"Hey I was calling to tell you I was at the grocery store and was wondering what was that that you wanted me to get". Keith has supposed to return home an hour ago.

"Don't even worry about it Keith I already got it". And she hung up. The tension between him and his wife was very very thick at this point.

Keith has so much going on that his wife didn't even care about what he was doing anymore.

Keith put his phone down and put his head on the steering wheel. What was he going to do with his situation. He needed to see his baby girl and everything in him was keeping him from going inside the hospital and going to see what was going on with Jamaica.

Keith got out the car. Locked the doors and headed inside the hospital.

" Anthony I'm telling you is something wrong with that girl. Like when we talking about this guy her body language and her whole mind frame in her hole attitude and her whole entire just everything turns demonic. She had me ready to jump out the window like I was scared for my life".

Romeo was starting to get a little worried about Ayeesha. He had to talk to someone about it because he was afraid someone was going to get hurt.

"Oh no I couldn't have been there I would have probably knock some sense into her". Anthony bust out laughing.

"Bitch this is not funny this is not a laughing matter. She is really going to hurt somebody and I think she's going to try to hurt Keith. Every time his name is mentioned she gets this look on her face like she just want to do something to him and I just stay quiet cause I don't want to be in the crossfire". Romeo sipped his drink and thought about what just occurred with Ayeesha.

"Well if you think I should say something to warn him let me know but at this point he is on my shit list so whatever she got for him I want to see I want to be there to witness it maybe I could be his hero. Anthony bust out laughing again. Romeo just sat quiet. He knew whatever she had up her sleeve was no laughing matter.

Keith made his way through the hospital door. He wanted to turn around many times but knowing his daughter was in there he had to go forward. As the doors to the rooms open he snuck past and into the ascending hallway. He peeked past a few rooms until he heard a familiar voice. He stopped and listened outside as he heard her talking and singing to someone. "Now Behold The lamb. She sang.. please God help us get thru this.... The Precious Lamb Of God. She sang. Lord father God bless us in this time of need". Keith couldn't believe he was hearing her speak this way. At that point he knew she had multiple personalities. How could she be so evil and then turn into a whole different person. "Please Lord give us the strength to move on from this. Please Lord Heal her womb". Keith could tell that whatever it was that was wrong with with Jamaica that it wasn't good. He said outside the room for 5 more minutes then turned to leave the hospital there wasn't nothing much he could do. " can I help you with something?". A nurse saw him leaving with no visitor pass so stop to see if he was lost. " no I just left from seeing my grandmother I shot my visitor's pass in the garbage because I'm on my way out". Ayeesha heard Keith voice it came out of the room. "Keith what are you doing here?".

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