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Anthony POV

Anthony laid in his bed knowing what that these would be his last days alive. He knew his wrongs was catching up to him.

He knew he was the cause of his boyfriends suicide. He knew he hurt a lot of people in this process of having this disease.

" Lord I come to you asking for forgiveness. Not because I am sick because I have hurt a lot of people. And I am truly sorry and except responsibility for my actions."

Anthony lay in pain. Every move he made shot fire through his whole body he knew he wouldn't last long.


"Pam is this where Keith live?" Quita and Pam where on a stake out in front of Keith house.

"Yup this the address that popped up for him".

Keith didn't appear to be home. They sat there for 20 minutes waiting for him to pull up.

"I don't think he is coming Pam, you sure you wanna do this Pam I have ALOT to lose girl and I cannot afford to get in trouble".

Quita was down for her friends but she knew it was a possibility of getting caught in the process.

"Listen I'm tired of this mutha ducks fucking with my boss. What am I suppose to do? He almost fucking killed me. He knocked me the fuck out and out me in a shed. I'm going to Kill this fucking bitch ass nigga I'm telling you no fucking lie".

As Pam went on a rant they notice a light skin guy that looks kinda like Keith come outside taking boxes out to the trash.

"Pam is that him". Pam squinted her eyes for a better look

. "Nope but his is our ticket to getting to him let's go".

Ayeesha POV

"Dad take me to Anthony's room right now". Ayesha tried climbing outta bed knowing her leg was disabled.

"Calm down honey please calm down there is no way I'm letting you climb out of this bed in your condition so you can lay it back down"

Ayeesha was heated she didn't want to tell her dad about the misfortune events but she had to get answers and quickly.

"Well he knows who I am tell him to call me. I cannot believe that's my brother". She laid back on he bed and turned over her stomach began to feel nauseated.

"Babygirl listen. I need you to get better okay. I really wanna be here for you and from now. For my future grandkids. I love you with all my heart".

Ayeesha didn't respond her mind was racing. She was filled with rage and no words were comforting at this point.

" I'm gunna let you rest babygirl. I'll be back to check on you".

Jamaica POV

"Congratulations Jamaica she is beautiful".

The nurse said as she passed her the baby.Jamaica held her babygirl close to her heart. She looked just like her Jamaica when she was a baby.

" thank you. I'm going to name her Justice Judaya Micheals ". All Jamaicas pains and problems flew out the door. She studied everything from her eyes to her ears.

Her small button noes her finger feet and toes. She was perfect. She smelled like love. Jamaica couldn't believe she actually gave birth to a healthy babygirl despite the way she wanted to come out.

Being breech came with a lot of difficulties when it came to deliveries but once she popped her other leg out she flew out the oven.

Weighing a healthy 6lbs 4ozs 18 inches long Jamaica couldn't have her any other way. As she prepared to feed her daughter she felt funny.

She started looking around the room as she felt someone looking at her. The nurse was in the corner doing paperwork so it wasn't her.
She looked toward the door to see Keith looking through the glass at her and her daughter. Her jaw instantly dropped.

Was she safe?



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