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Anthony POV

"How come you never talk about your other kids".

"Well i think your old enough to hear this story. I was with a lady name Linda for 10 years. 2 years into our relationship i cheated and made you. I kept you a secret for a long time. A year later i had my babygirl. My only girl. And it made your mother very mad over the years. So she took it upon herself to order a dna test and Linda found out about you. Then you were in like the 5th grade. We tried to work it out but she left me. Took me to court. Took all my rights and kept her from me for years. So i just dont speak up on it".

"But Dad these our my sibilings i dont think its fair you keep them from me". Robert put his head down.

"She put an order of protection out on me because i came over and beat this guy that so called try to touch my baby. I beat his ass bad. She claimed it wasnt what she thought. I dont give a fuck. All you gotta do is hint that mine is being fucked with and ima handle it". Anthony sat up in the bed.

"I wouldve did the same thing dad".

"We had already been arguing over Ayeeshas manic behavior"

"Ayeesha? Light skinned Ayeesha hazel eyes

"Ayeesha?" Robert twisted his face up to Anthony.

"Yea that sounds about right. I know about her being in the hospital already".

"In the hospital? Dad what is going on?".


                Pam got back to the office and decided calling the cops wouldnt have been a good idea cause who was Keith?

Was Keith even his real name? She went inside Jamaicas office being very careful not to ram-shack the office.

"Im going to nail this scumbag he going down". Pam looked in Jamaicas desk and found a throw away phone.

"This must be her cheating phone". She looked thru the phone and noticed there was only 1 number in the log.

She took the phone back to her desk and looked up the number.

The number traced back to a Dion K Waverly. Pam looked up thr name to see who would pop up and Bam Keiths face was everywhere.

What stuck out more was these articles from years ago about a missing friend. She saw there was also a business attached to his name.

She wrote down the address and decided enough was enough. All of this nonsense has to stop. As she gathered her things two people enetred the office.

"Hi is Jamaica available?" Pam didnt speak at first.

"We are detectives and we just wanted to speak with Jamaica please".

"She is not here why are you looking for her?".

"Is Ayeesha here?".

"No she isnt may i help you".

"Yes if you can give one or the other this card and tell them to.m call me immediately that would be great."

The detectives turned and walked out the office.

"This shit is getting creepier by the minute. But i cant abandon my friend. I gotta find her".


      "I Told you the situation was gunna get worse now look at you. You shouldve just left them girls alone". Chris poured his brother a drink while Keith sat mending his wounds.

"I Dont give a fuck Chris. That Bitch killed my best friend and i know it. So what better then to do her off. Take my girl and kid and go home" Keith doused hisself in vaseline and covered his stab wounds with bandages.

"You dont have no proof at all. Your going by he say she say. He couldve did anything. And kid? You really fucked up Keith".

Chris knew his brother was in too deep. "You need to lay low for a while. Leave it the fuck alone Keith or something real bad is going happen. Look at your fuckin self".

Keith knew he was right. But the grudge towards Ayeesha for killing his friend would not go away.

"Dont worry about it Chris i told you i got it".

Jamaica POV

"Miss Linda i wanna apologize for all of this".

Miss Linda was bouncing back n forth between the girls to give them support.

"I told you quit apologizing. Ayeesha is a hot head. So anything could happen with her. Even though she stopped speaking to me i always kept my eye on her".

"I know but im the one who cheated so its all my fault. I made the mistake of getting preganant".

"Honey there is no mistake to getting pregnant. Its all Gods work".

"Can you do me a favor? Can you go in my purse grab my phone and call Pams phone?. I wanna make sure she is okay. I cant believe Keith would do such a thing. Im scared to call him to see what he wants".

Miss Linda dialed Pams number to see if she answered.

"Hello Pam where are you".

"Boss?! boss Omg where are you. Call the cops and send them to your house. I dont know the guys name. But im on my way to his office."

"This isnt Jamaica but sweaty why what happened where are you going"

". Tell Jamaica ill call her when i get there". Pam hung up the phone.

"Jamaica.... she said call the police. He must've came back".

"Let me see that damn phone. Keith got me fucked up. You not about to come in my life and fuck with the people i love".

"Do Keith and Ayeesha know about each other?"

"Keith knows about Ayeesha. They met when he did our shed". Jamaica dialed Keiths number.


"Keith What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you bothering my people".

"Jamaica hows my daughter?".

"Keith you fucking answer me right now".

"Stop yelling girl you going to upset my baby".

"Keith tell me right fucking now or ima call the police".

"Ill be there to see you". Keith hang up in her ear.

"Keith claims he is on his way. Im really scared Miss Linda".

"Well im staying here til he comes. I have to call Quita let her know Ayeeshas in the hospital".

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