21. Family

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" Im looking for a Anthony Walker". Robert decided to go up to the hospital to see his son. The way he hung up the phone he must be real sick.

"Yes he is down this Hallway ill take you there first can i have id".

Robert gave the ID and went with the Nurse. As hes walking down the hallway Miss Linda is making her way back to Jamaica.

"Robert?". Miss Linda caught Robert by the arm.

"Linda what are you doing here?"

"Your DAUGHTER is laid up in the ICU. Of course you would know that if you were around"

. "The ICU what happened".

"Dont worry about it Robert obviously your here for something else". Robert whispered.

"Look i got 2 kids laying up in this hospital just tell me where i can find her". Miss Linda rolles her eyes.

"Your her father you know her name you named her figure it out". Miss Linda stormed off.

Robert caught up with the nurse who was waiting by the water fountain.

"Hes in this room. If you need anything let the nurse know". Robert walked in the room not knowing what to expect.

"Dad what are you doing here".

"Well shit you act like you was dying so i came to see whats wrong". Robert walked over to the bedside and looked at his son.

"You look pale whats wrong with you?".

"Well dad i dont want you looking at me different".

"What the fuck Ant, what you got Aids or something spit it out"

"Thats exactly what i have". The room went in total silence. Robert pulled the chair close to the bed and sat down.

"Listen ill tell you what. You stop playing games with me or im leaving"

"dad im serious look at my records".

"How did you let this happen Anthony. I told you that gay shit wasnt good for you. You see what happen? All you can do now is get better". Anthony started to cry.

"Dad i didnt sleep around i only had 2 partners" 

"well guess what Anthony you got fucking Aids so 1 out of the 2 or both aint right". Anthony sat back on the pillow and thought for a second.

"Your right dad".

"I know i am. Now how long you posed to be in here".

Linda POV

  Miss Linda made it back to Jamaicas room.

"Why do they have your legs up so high". Miss linda came into Jamaicas legs all the way in the air and her head all the way down.

"They said they had to use gravity to keep her up there. I really dont wanna have this baby early this is not a good day for it". Miss linda sat next to her bed and held her hand.

"Ayeesha is in critical condition. They say she cant speak but she did wake up for a while. Her spine is severed and she might be paralyzed".

"What do you mean? This isnt right is she gunna live?" 

"Yes by the grace of God and our prayers".

Jamaica knew all of this was her fault. If she never called the card she got at the club she wouldve never been in this position.

"Miss Linda i want to apologize for everything that has happened. I know its all my fault and i wish i could fix it. Now look me and Ayeesha is laid up in this hospital...... OH SHIT PAM".


           "YOU" stab THINK stab YOU stab CAN....".

Pam started stabbing Keith out of his sleep. Around the 3 stab Keith woke up and knocked the knife outta her hand.

"YOU STUPID BITCH NOW IMA KILL YOU". Pam ran in the girls room and closed the door and locked it.

With blood rushing from his chest Keith grabbed the knife off the floor and went after Pam.

"BITCH OPEN THIS DOOR YOUR NOT MAKING IT OUT ALIVE". Keith rammed his body up against the door to break it down.

Pam scanned the room to see what she can put against the door.

"DIE KEITH I HOPE I STABBED YOU IN THE RIGHT PLACE". Pam pushed the biggest dresser in front of the door so that he couldnt get in the room.

"Fuck this nigga is a fucking pshyco path what was Jamaica thinking". Pam found the landline that was on the nightstand.

She tried to dial a number but there was no dialtone. Keith had cut the line. Pam remembered that he came threw there window. Pam went over to the window that was shut and looked out of it.

She opened the window and waited 30 seconds she went to the door to see if she could hear Keith in the house. It was silent. Pam ran back to the Window and tried to hurry and close noticing that Keith had remembered the window also.

Keith stuck his hand with the knife threw the window as Pam slammed the window down on his arm.

"FUCKING BITCH IMA KILL YOU". As Keith struggled to get his arm out.

Pam ran to the other side of the room and pushed the dresser from the door. She unlocked the door and ran out the room out the front door of the house.

With out looking back Pam hauld ass to her car.

Thank God for those Metel magnetic key boxes you put under your car. She had her spare. She put the key in the ignition and sped off. Leaving Keith there stuck in the window.

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