11. Crazy

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"Hi Miss Linda I haven't seen you since I was a teenager how have you been". Romeo took it upon his self to talk to Ayeeshas mom.

She was acting too strange for him to just look past it.

"Oh Romeo I haven't seen you in so long. How's your mom doing I heard she had breast cancer I hope she's doing alright". She gave Romeo a hug.

"She's doing fine she's just doing her chemotherapy trying to get over it and I think she's going to be that she's actually doing better than she has the past couple months".

"Well come in and sit down and have a seat take your shoes off Stay Awhile". miss Linda laughed.

"Miss Linda I can't stay long but I did want to talk to you about Ayeesha. She has been acting strange out of character for her and I just want to make sure that she's going to be okay so I wanted to talk some to somebody who that was close to her and could put some sense into her head".

Romeo didn't want to scare her mother but at least wanted 2 get the word out."Ayeesha hasn't been here in 5 years.

She's been mad at me since she was a teenager so we're not that close but I sent her gifts and birthday cards and holiday cards off every year. I've been begging her to go to the doctors for years now and she won't go". Romeo looked at Miss Linda and confusion.


"Yes doctor Aisha has had a mental problem since she was little and we had it under control until she got into High School and started smoking weed".

Now Romeo understood why her face would screw up at certain times or what her voice would change at a certain point.

"Okay so what should I do if I feel like she needs help. Just try to be there for her as much as you can there's nothing really much you can do".

Romeo look that Miss Linda and confusion if she knew that are you sure it was capable of harming someone why could she be so cool about it why is she so nonchalant.

"Okay Miss Linda it was nice seeing you I'll see you soon hopefully". Romeo grab his belongings and headed out the door.

With the little information he had he knew that something had to be done quick before someone was hurt.

Romeo grab his cell phone and called his friends number.
"I know you're busy right now but call me as soon as you get a chance it's important."

He was going to get to the bottom of Ayeeshas problem.

Ayeesha POV

"Keith what the fuck are you doing here. Why do I feel like you're stalking me. I know I don't have you that intimidated". She didn't want to speak too loud to wake Jamaica up.

"I was just seeing a friend and now I'm leaving". Keith turn to walk away.

"You need to be here getting checked you dirty dick asshole". Keith hurried fast down the hall so that Jamaica wouldnt hear him there.

"Ugh he so annoying i cant wait to get rid of him its over for his ass". Jamaica went back to the room.

Checked? Keith wondered what did she mean by that. Why would she say such a thing?

As he approached his car he thought about what she had said. He never felt any pain or discomfort during sex.

He knew he was fucking up by not using protection with anyone but he trusted them.

Keith got into his car and headed home. Pulling up to his apartment he see a UHaul truck out front.

"What the fuck is going on here". Keith ran thru the front door and up to the master bedroom.

"Wtf is going on why is the house half empty and why are you packing shit?".

He started going thru his dresser draweres noting that all of his belongings were still there.

"Im leaving me and my kids can no longer tolerate your shinanigens. Im sick of this Keith. You spend 80 percent of your time at the Law firm so called Working on your case. Well guess what Cases dont last 3 years Keith im not fucking stupid" she continued to pack all of her belongings.

"Then i be hearing people seeing you with Anthony gay ass and he's to no relation. I been hearing about it for years but some people said it was a lie so i looked passed it. But it dont seem like you turned on when im in my lingerie that YOU bought for me or when i do the things WIVES do im done Keith".

He was so tired of the back and forth he didnt say anything.

"Oh so you silent now? That just shows how much you care about your family fuck off Keith". He knew what ever he said wouldnt change her mind.

"Baby im sorry....but im not doing anything. Maybe i have been away alot lately but i promise you im gunna change and work on us".

Keith tried to wrap his arm around her.

"Keith i cant even explain the shit younoutting me thru this shit is crazy i gotta go".

Keith sat silently as she packed the rest of her belongings packed them.in the truck and left.

His only thoughts was to try to get Jamaica and his daughter home with him.

Since his First Wife left him he could try to build a new family with Jamaica.

But with Ayeesha in the way they only way to get her out they way is to take her out.

He looked under his bed and noticed she left the safe.

"Good bitch wasnt taking my money". Be opened the safe and inside was 50 stacks and a 9 mill baretta.

"Move bitch get out the way" he sang the words to Ludacris song as he pointed to gun at the door.

He was gunna fix his problems. 1 down 3 to go.

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