4. Unruly Behavior

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Ayeesha watched as Jamaica's body began to form. Ugh shes getting fat she thought in her head. Ayeesha thought maybe she put on a couple pounds.

"Bae i think we should hit up the gym more often your getting pudgy" Ayeesha laughed as she grabbed Jamaica's work bag off the closet door.

"I'm always busy at work i barely have time gimme kiss". They kissed and Jamaica was off to work.

Ayeesha haven't seen Keith in a week and was worried sick. She decided to call him up. "Good Morning" he answered.

"Hey daddy where you been"

"I was ot for a few days you OK?" She twirled her finger thru her hair.

"Id be better if you were here with me" she said in a sexy voice.

Keith was sexually attracted to her but when it came down to it Jamaica was pregnant with his baby and he wanted to be there with her.

"Can i come over" he decided to give her some hush dick since she been blowing him down since there last encounter.

"Yes ill be waiting". Ayeesha ran to her bedroom to get ready for a shower.

As she was looking for.sexy lingerie she decided to wear Jamaica's purple silk gown.

She walked over to her dresser and opened her drawer. She found the gown. Tucked under the gown was a bottle of pills.

"Parental pills. What the fuck is she doing with these. I hope it not one of her grow hair quick schemes".

Ayeesha was very naive and didn't put 2 and 2 together.

Keith arrived and soon as he cane thru the door he immediately starts tonguing her down.

"Bae i missed you" she said in between kisses he was throwing down Her throat.

He snatch the gown off and threw it to the floor.

"Bae don't be so rough" Ayeesha began to feel a bit uncomfortable.

Keith grabbed her breast real hard and began to suck on them biting the nipples causing Ayeesha to let out a scream.

"Ahh Keith that hurts".

"Well that's what you want right? You want me to give you what you want". Keith showed agitation.

" you don't have to be here i didn't force you to come". Ayeesha said picking up her gown putting it back on. What the fuck was Keith's problem.

"Look i don't have time for this you want this dick or no".

"Just leave I'm sorry i even called u". Keith picked his keys up and headed out the door.

He didn't want to deal with her clingy ass anymore.


"Baby want anything from the store" Keith began to take care of Jamaica's needs.

She was glowing and she was so beautiful. Jamaica was at work working on a case. She was starting to feel better and Keith was always making her feel special.

" No I'm fine i just need you". Jamaica fell in love with this guy and didn't know what to do about it.

She sat there fantasizing how he catered to her needs. What mans comes to a woman's place of business and rubs her feet. He always stared at her feet. Rubbing them caressing them kissing them.

Making sure to please other areas at the same time. Working his way up her leg with his tongue he made sure she wore skirts to work for easy access.

Watching her breath in and out. Her breast slowly rising up and down he nibbled on her panties cause her to become so moist.

He knew when she wanted him cause the heat from her sweet pussy called his name.

He swirled his nose around her clit slowly massaging while he reached up and grabbed her breast.
He always took his time with Jamaica unlike Ayeesha he just want to hit and go.

He moved her panties to the side with his teeth. Causing her to let out a moan that instantly got his dick hard.

He started from the bottom and licked slowly to the top. With every stroke of his tongue Jamaica body would shiver. He placed her leg over his shoulder and began ever so gently sucking on her pussy. The sweetest juice he ever tasted.

He knew he was the only one who had her pussy. So he treated it as if he owned it. Placing a finger into her wetness her body melted into the lounge chair. He devoured her like an afternoon snack.

Licking up every single drip of juice from her body. He stood up to take out his manhood and began rubbing it up and down her clit.

"Boss your client Keith is here" as she gave Jamaica the side eye. She didn't realize she fell into a daydream and began touching herself.

"Thank you Pam send him in". She straightened herself up and began straightening the desk.


"I Don't know girl he had the nerve to come and rough house me". Ayeesha was furious.

Why would Keith come over there and be rough with her? After not seeing each other for a week she thought he'd be more happy.

"Quita I'm not dumb he Polly got another bitch". Quita listened as Ayeesha ranted in raved.

She was bout to drop a huge bomb on Esh. "Bitch shut the fuck up for a second damn gotta tell you something".

Ayeesha looked at the phone as if something went wrong.
" you were suppose to say all this first what what is it". Ayeesha began to pace the floor.

She hated bad news and she knew whatever it was that she was about to be hit with will change the game.

"Listen you know i work in the shop. Remember that fly chick Rayne that used to come get the updos with the glitter and shit?".

Ayeesha thought for a min "yea i remember her she got the yellow range rover"?

"Yea that's her. Well she is sorta kind married to your Mr. Keith."

Ayeesha felt like she was struck by lightening her mouth became frozen.

"This muthafucka lied to me. Whats the point of lying thom and the bitch got kids i bet they his".

Quita just sat quietly while Ayeesha rant and raved. She had a whole girlfriend at home so why was she mad?

"He think he bouta get over on me he got me fucked up" Ayeesha said as she hung up with Quita.

She was gunna come up with a plan.

Nobody fucks with her and get away with it. That's why her ex boyfriend was never found.

Ayeesha's mental illness was never looked into and Ayeesha had dark secrets of her own.

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