5. Blindside

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"Ayeeshaaaaa" her mother yelled from the living room

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"Ayeeshaaaaa" her mother yelled from the living room.

Ayeesha was upstairs in her room listening to the New Ashanti cd that came out.

"Yes Ma?" She yelled back as he headed towards the stairs.

Her mom boyfriend was coming out their room at the same time.

"You heard her calling you go see what she wants" he said with a perverted smirk on his face.

Ayeesha hated his guts. "You always got something to say mimd ya business" Ayeesha said as she started down the stairs.

"You know ya momma dont like you talking like that".

Ayeesha kept going. He rubbed her the wrong way and tried to stay out his path.

"Esh i got a letter from school today. I thought we spoke about how to handle yourself".

"Ma it wasnt my fault this time i swear. She came at my neck about my hair so i....".

"No there is not excuse for it. No party tonight. I have to work so i better not hear you snuck out my house. "

"But Ma im going with Quita and ill be back my curfew" she cried to her mom.

This was the third dentention letter in a week. Her mom was tired of letting it slide.

"I dont wanna hear anything you understand?". Ayeesha ran to her room and slammed the door.

She cried herself to sleep. When Ayeesha woke up her mom boyfriend was standing over her bed.

"What do you want?" She jumped up quickly.

"Calm down scary mary, Quita is downstairs for you". Ayeesha wondered if she didn't wake up so soon how far would he have went.

When she got downstairs Quita had a weird look on her face.

"Esh i was on my way home and i saw Tommy kissing Kayla.. you know the hoe Kayla from Elmwood High?" Ayeesha had a blank stare. She didnt know how to respond.

He cheating on me? She thought in her head. With her mental illness any threat caused her to go manic.


With her mom putting her on punishment she couldnt go outside and handle him now.

"Meet me back here tonight at 10" Ayeesha told Quita.

"Ya mom said you couldnt go".

"Just be back here at 10". And she got up and went back upstairs leaving Quita there to wonder what was next.

"Hey Tommy wyd" Ayeesha called to set up the meeting.

"Nothing over here by the park. You should come see me". Ayeesha had her plan ready.

"No i want you to meet me over at Woodridge. I wanna spend quality time" Ayeesha mental illness was taking over.

"Okay ill be ther". She dressed in all black and tied her long hair into a bun. She waited for Quita to come and gave her the details.

"You called me all the way here to tell me to lie for u if they ask where you were". Quita was upset.

With one hour left to her curfew Ayeesha always had her out on missions.

"Listen just take this bag to your house ill meet you there in a half hour". She gave the bag of clothes to Quita and went off to meet up with Tommy.

Woodridge was a dark area and no one really goes there after the sun go down.

With her mothers .22 in her purse and blck gloves in her pocket she was ready to unleash her plan.

"Hey baby why you wanna go all the way out here".

"Remember when i said dont play with my heart?" She said as she raised the gun to his head. "I FUCKIN MEANT THAT" and put one shot into Tommys head. Her laugh was evil she felt an adrenaline rush.?

"Fuck around and get smoked" she couldnt stop laughing. She rolled his body to the water and pushed him in

"Bye Tommy. You cant play nobody else now."

Ayeesha wiped off the gun slid it back to her prse and shot the gloves far in the water. She felt so alive. With her first kill under her belt she knew if the time came she could do it again.

"Esh where did you go?" Quita said as she opened her bedroom door.

"Well i met this guy the other day..and since Tommy wanted to cheat so did i" Ayeesha lied.

She took her bag of clothes and got in the shower. The scene replayed in her mind over and over. It mad her laugh.

When she went back to Quita room she found her playing with her moms gun.

"But that shit back nobody told you to touch my purse".

"Bitch no teenager walks around with a gun in their purse." Quita was young but far from dumb. She just hoped whatever it was that Ayeesha did it did not fall back on her.

Ayeesha snatched rhe gun and put it back in her purse. She got dressed and headed back home. Walking towards the door

"You better keep your fucking mouth closed" Ayeesha said to Quita.

Quita did not plah around when it came to ayeesha. Being best frinds for so long she knew that Ayeesha ment what she said.

Ayeesha went straight to her room when she got home.

"I wont let no lame nigga play me and thats motto" she said to herself.

Ayeeshas mental illness got worse when she got into high school. With so many stimuluses and negative energy throught the school she had a nervous breakdown and never been the same.

Her mom tried what she could but also was tryna attend to her new relation with a guy who wanted Ayeesha badly.

Ayeesha had the shape of a grown women at just 16. He watched her every chance he got. Ayeesha never told her best friend about her illness.

She didnt know how to control it. She did things and didnt remember doing them after. Which is why they never found 17 year old Tommy. When the news got out that Tommy was missing... all attention went to Kayla. She was the last person he was seen with

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