19. Accident

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"Why are you doing this to me" Pam was out of energy and was ready to give up.

"I have nothing to do with this".

"Then why the fuck you here Pam? Why did you bring ya ass here. This was gunna go nice and smooth and you come here to fuck shit up". Keith was pacing the floors checking the windows every 5 min.

"Jamaica went looking for Ayeesha. Just let me go i wont say anything"

"I dont trust you. Your not gunna get in between me and Jamaica and neither is Ayeesha. And i came to set shit straight"

"I knew it was something about you that was different your fucking sick"

Keith walked over to Pams half naked body.

"Shut the fuck up. Look at your nipples your cold huh?". Keith rubbed Pams nipples between his fingers.

"Take your fucking hands off me". Pam had no strength to even wiggle.

"Why whats wrong it feels good Pam?"

Tears start to form in Pam eyes.

"Please Keith stop. Jamaica is not gunna like any of this".

Keith rubbed both nipples at the same time. "You know you like it Pamela. It feels good dont it". "Your fucking sick". The friction from her nipples caused her pussy to cream. She started to get sick to her stomach. "Please keith".

"I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP. DAM. WOMEN DONT KNOW HOW TO FUCKIN LISTEN. SHIT".Keith walked over to the window and looked out again.

"Im gunna stay here all night til they come. And your gunna sit there and not say a fucking word". Keith walked back to the kitchen and looked thru the cabinets.

"I wonder what the fuck they got in here. Skinny bitches they probably dont have shit". He came across a bottle of pineapple Ciroc that was half way dranken.

"This is my type of party". He grabbed a cup from the dish rack and poured him a drink.

"You think you can come here and get in between us"

Keith took a large gulp.

"Yes my family will be complete. You just be there for Ayeesha she gunna need a shoulder to cry on".

Keith burst out in laughter. Keith was not to short of the crazy home hisself. Keith was determined to get what he wanted when he wanted which is why he slept with so many women. Keith took another huge gulp of his drink.

"Hmm by the time they show up i might not wanna hurt anyone" Keith burst out in laughter again.

"Keith just let me go please. I wont tell anybody"

"I would Pam but i know a way i could use you".


"Maam whats wrong whats the matter" the nurse ran over to Miss Linda after hearing the loud yell.

"My daugter my daughter i have to find out where she is snd if shes okay"

"Why are you screamjng maam calm down is your daughter missing?"

" They had a discription of her car on tv can you pleese check for an Ayeesha Walker in tour system maam please. "

"Come over to the desk okay we can do that for you"

The secretary at the desk searched her name.

"I dont have her in the system maam"

"I dont know what else to do her phone is off. Have you had any young ladies come thru the emergency room with any accidents"

"Maam i am not autorized to give out that information"


"Maam can you please calm down" the nurse tried to step in.


MISS linda lost it and was hysterical at thisnpoint. Security came to the area to try to calm her down.

"My baby i gotta find here yall dont understand that wss her in the crash i just know it"

"Listen maam calm down. Ill go back there and check but you gotta promise me you will be cool".


"Jamaica luckily you showed up cause you wouldve had a baby today. Fortunatly we caught your contractionds and stopped them. The unfortunate part is you may have to stay in the hospital for a while".

Jamaica was a little drugged up at this point.

"Is the baby okay?".

"Your baby is doing wonderful. The heart rate was a little high but nothing too major".

Jamaica rested her head back. She didnt have energy to do much not even think.

"Is my mother inlaw still out there can you get her for me" .

"Yes i will go see for you you lay back and get some rest".

Jamaica couldnt believe all the events that were unfolding. Why would Keith hurt Pam?. Was he gunna hurt her too?

Jamaica sat and waited for Miss Linda to.come back.in the room. Aftwr what seem like forever Jamaica notcie the nurse didnt come back with Miss Linda. She pushedd the Call button.

"Helloooo can i get some help in here please."

"A nurse will be over to help you shortly".

Jamaica climbed out Of bed against doctors order.

"What is going on?". She opened the door and peeked down the hallway.

"JUST CHECK FOR ME I DONT SEE WHAT THE PROBLEM IS. WHAT IF IT WA S YOUR DAUGHTER?". Jamaica heard Miss Linda screaming by the nurses desk.

"Maam we need you to settle down"

"no somebody find my baby".

"Miss Linda" Jamaica called from doen the hall.

"Whats going on why are you upset?".

"I think Ayeesha been in a car crash and they not tryn gie me no.infor mation". The nurse told the secretary to look the name up again.

"There is nothing showing up".

"Oh my gosh i got to find my baby i know it was her".

"Her what Miss Linda what is going on what is the problem?.

"Ayeesha her car look"

Miss Linda led Jamaica over to the waiting room over to the tv.

Miss Linda , Jamaica ,and the nurses sat and watched as the News replayed the scene over and over.

"Jamaica is that her car". Miss linda looked over at Jamaicas who's mouth is to the floor.

"Thats her car Miss Linda if shes not here shes at another hospital".

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