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What else

"So is it full blown?" Anthony couldn't take anymore of his sickness so he went to the doctors.

"Well if you would have came sooner we would have been able to at least keep it steady so that you could live a regular life but now that it has progressed we have to treat the symptoms in order for you to get back to your regular self and then we can put you on medications that will at least keep you regular".

Anthony did not know how this happened. Despite him being gay he only had two partners in the past 8 years.

"So how long do I have to stay in the hospital for?" Anthony knew that he wasnt leaving no time soon.

He was way too sick and very weak at this point.

"Well it's up to your body and how you recover from this but I suggest you contact all your partners and let them know what's going on. I'm going to go fill out a few things in the computer and I'll be right back".

The doctor left the room. Anthony thought long and hard of either possibility being the culprit.

Keith was married with kids and Anthony was supposed to be Romeo's one and only.

Anthony sat and cried how could he have contacted HIV and at such a young age.

He wish he had listened to his body when he passed out at his job a few months back.

He just thought it was from working a lot of overtime. Anthony needed a little time to himself to grasp everything that the doctor had just told him.

" hey baby you was here this whole time?"

Jamaica have woke up after 6 hours.

"Yes I've been here as soon as Pam called me. How are you feeling are you in any pain?" Aisha rubbed Jamaica stomach.

"A little pain a little pressure but not too much I want to apologize for all of this".

"Jamaica let's not talk about this here in the hospital I don't want you stressing and then they keep you in here so you just let's wait till we get home".

Jamaica couldn't hold it in the pressure was getting to her.

"But I need you to know that this wasn't intentional. And that I love you more than anything in this world."

Jamaica grabbed her hand. Aisha wanted to know the details but she had other things on her mind. Like why was Keith at the hospital outside of Jamaica's room.

"It's okay baby you need to rest we can talk about it later". Ayesha walked over to the monitor and watch the baby heartbeat.

"How are you feeling I think I'm going to go grab something to eat"?. Ayeesha was ready to finish what she started.

Making amends with her girlfriend will have to come later.

"I'm fine but I'm going to come back?"

"Yes I'll be back just give me a little bit I'm just going to run and get something to eat the doctor said you can't eat anything until results come back so if he does come back before I do call me and I'll bring you something okay."

Jamaica felt alone.

"Okay yeah fine I'm OK. Just hit me later I'm going to finish resting".

Ayeesha kissed her on the forehead grabbed her belongings and left.

Linda Pov

"I I haven't talked to you in years what do you want". Miss Linda called her daughter to see what was going on.

"Well if it's a crime to call my daughter and check on her to see if she's alive breathing and well then lock me up".

Ayeesha mouth is the reason they didn't get along in the first place.

"Well that's just funny you pop out of nowhere asking me if I'm OK. So obviously it's something that you want what do you want.'

"I was just calling to check on you and to tell you that I love you and even if it's not good enough for you it's true".

Miss Linda didn't want to put Romeo on blast for coming to see her.

She knew how manic Ayeesha is which is why she tried to keep Romeo from messing with her.

"Well I'm doing pretty fine without you so if that's all you want I have to go".

Miss Linda had to ask her daughter a few questions before she hangs up.

"Baby why are you so angry with me what did I do to you when you were younger that make you feel like you can't come to me for anything".

Miss Linda doesn't understand why I she have so much anger and so much hatred in her blood.

"Well let's start off by your disgusting man that came in and out the house that always pick them my room they always has slick stuff to say to me and you were never there to protect me. You were always working and I could never come to you for anything because you are always laid up with some guy. I raised myself you didn't raise me. That's why when I got my job and I got enough money I move the fuck out your house".

Miss Linda understood exactly where she came from. She was disappointed in herself because the same thing her mother did to her she was doing to her own daughter.

"Baby I love you and I want you to know that you can come to me for anything I don't care what it is. I can't make up for the past but I can definitely be there for you for now into the future I love you and nothing will ever change that".

Ayeesha wasn't convinced her brain was to in the manis stage to accept any form of apology.

"Linda I got to go so if that's all you had to say I'll talk to you later bye".

Miss Linda was lost for words she lost her only child to the streets and hope and pray that she made it through life with no pain. She would be waiwtinf there when Ayeesha was ready to go home.

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