Chapter 16

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Zero's pov-
Both Ivan and Travis looked impressed."Why are you two cooking?"Ivan asked."You two were studying, so why don't we make a good dinner for tomorrow."I said. We all sat down with all the food. Travis took a bite out of one of the foods. His expression changed from curious to Shocked."This is amazing!"He said with amazment. Ivan looked confused and curious. He took a bite also, his eyes widened."You are right!"Ivan yelled. Slade and I chuckled to their reaction.

After the meal,Ivan and Slade went home. Travis and I decided to go to sleep, I instantly closed my eyes and fell to sleep. I open my eyes to find my mother sitting next to a fountain playing with the water,humming a lullabies. We were in this temple that was abandoned and was being over grown by mother nature."Zero,what is it son?"She asked."I came here to warn you about someone and something else."I said.

"Tell me." She said."Travis's mother is like the others."I said. She nodded."There is a group that kills both kemonomimis and humans."I explain."Very well."She answered."Good news is that I picked up your scent, I'm nearly there alright."She said with a motherly smile.

I felt a tingle on my collar."That orb is glowing."My mother pointed.*Zero?*Slade said."Yeah?"I answered.*What the-*he said with shock. That's when it hit me."We can communicate even if I am in a dream?!"I said in shock. My mother chuckled."Who is that?"She asked.*It's Slade.*He answered.

"Oh." She answered."That's fascinating."She answered as she examines the orb."Yeah I know right."Slade said before he chuckled."Where did you get these?"She asked."That's a question for another time when you are here."He said. My eyes shot open to see that I am being shaked awake by Ivan.

His heart is different than othersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin