Chapter 5

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Travis's pov-
Ivan and I entered the class room."Do you think they are here?"Ivan asked."Not sure."I answered.Ivan sighed.I realized that Tyson and Mike are in the same classes with me.Tyson and Michael went towards us.*oh great..what do they want?.*I thought as they got closer.Ivan looked really nervous."Hey!"Tyson greeted."Hey."I answered as I looked away.

"Ah come on now you can't hate me." He said with a sinister smile."If you don't have anything to say then leave us alone."I answered.He smiled as he shoved me away."Hey!"Ivan Yelled.Tyson turned to face him."What?"He said as he grabbed my arm.I quickly shoved him away.the professor look over."Calm down over there or refreals will be given."He threatens. I sighed as I grabbed Ivan's arm and went to the bathroom."Ivan, are you alright?"I asked."

"I'm okay,What about you?"Ivan asked." I'm fine."I answered."Should I call Zero?"I asked."Wait call?"Ivan asked."Yeah I gave him a phone."I explained.He smile."Ok."He answered. I ringed Zero."uh-hey sir."Zero greeted."are you hiding the call?"I asked."Yeah,What do you need?"Zero asked."Get Slade and meet us in the bathroom."I suggested."OK, be there in a few."He answered before hanging up.

I sighed as I put my phone away.After five minutes,Zero and Slade arrived."Hey what happened?"Slade asked."Tyson and Mike are now a issue."Ivan said."Their kemonomimis are targeting us also."Zero explained."We need to make sure they don't ambush us while in our classes or let them follow us."I explained."Yeah."Slade answered.

"We need to make sure they don't hurt you two either." Ivan explained.I nodded."You two are injured so we need to protect you this time."I said."Wait what?"Zero said."It's the only option."Ivan said. Zero sighed."Fine."he answered."Ok let's head to class before the professor finds out."Ivan explained.I nodded.We all head back to the classrooms.

Slade's pov-
Zero and I head back to the room.We silently went back to our seats without being noticed.I sighed in relief.Zero tapped my should."Yeah?"I answered.He pointed to the front of the classroom.We see the same Kemonomimis that attacked us yesterday."Remember we need to avoid them."Zero said.I nodded in agreement.

We both talked as time passed.*Rrrrrriiiiiinnnngg*We raced to the door before they do and meet up with Travis and Ivan.I turned in my original form.Travis and Ivan appeared."No problems?"Travis asked. "Nope." I answered."Let's go eat lunch."Ivan suggests.Zero and I nodded in unison."We will meet you at the tree in the courtyard."I said.Travis and Ivan nodded.We both went our separate ways.Zero turned in his original form also as we walked to the tree.

Ivan's pov-
Travis and I went to the cafeteria to get food for each of us.We scanned the area to make sure that Tyson and Mike weren't near by.We quickly got food and head to the courtyard.
                     End of chapter
*picture on the top is Tyson, mike's actual name is Michael*

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