Chapter 3

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Zero's pov-
The two kemonomimis stepped forward.One is a panther kemonomimi than the other one is a porcupine kemonomimi.They both transformed into their original forms,so did we."Don't underestimate them Slade and Zero!"Travis yelled.*Don't know how anyone doesn't hear this*Slade hisses."I will take the porcupine!"Slade said as he slowly paced to him.I nodded.I went over to the panther kemonomimi as he growled.Tyson tried to walk over to Travis and Ivan.I quickly went in front of Travis and Ivan and started to growl."Zero,What are you doing?!"Travis asked.

"Please get the professors sir!"I yelled."Fine!"Travis yelled.I hear both Travis and Ivan running as fast as they could."You son of a-"I roared as I got closer.Mike ran towards me with a knife trying to stab me but instead cut me.I felt a stinging sensation but ignored it."Zero,I need medical attention!"I turned to see Slade covered in quills.I quickly went to him and picked him up like a pup and ran as fast I could.

"Come back you cowards!"Mike yelled.I see students,Professors and Kemonomimis looking though the door windows.I finally reached the office to see Travis and Ivan explaining The situation to a Professor.Until Travis saw me through the windows, he ran out of the office." Zero, What happened?!"Travis yelled.I softly put Slade down."They had a knife and Slade was hurt,I had to run."I explained.

Through the window I see the professor rushing to the Nurse's office.Ivan ran out the door."Slade are you okay?!"Ivan asked.Slades eyes open to face Ivan."I-Im alive."He answered.In the corner of my eye I see something drip to the floor."You are bleeding!"Travis yelled.Four Nurses rush over with two portable beds.I gently picked up Slade and placed him on one bed than I got on the other bed.

We were in the nurses office for a while.I was in my human form,bandaged from the cut.Most of Slade's torso was bandaged from all of the quills.Travis called his father to pick us up.Ivan did the same.We all started to head home after the whole ordeal. "Hey Travis did you get your kemonomimi in trouble?"the father asked."No dad,I wouldn't do that."Travis answered while looking out the window."You are someone different from society,you want to become a lawyer just for a Kemonomimi's rights."He said."Yeah,I think that just because Kemonomimis have the ability to become an animal  and half human doesn't mean that we should treat them so lowly."Travis explained.

"You are right,but as a cop I realize that most of the criminals are Kemonomimis."He explained." That's because they are vengeful for their own way, they think this is the right protests."Travis explained."We are here."He said."Thank you officer Sam."I said."No problem."I need to go so take care alright son?"Sam asked."Yeah dad."Travis answered.We entered in the home with the mother in the kitchen cooking.I sighed."Come on you need rest."Travis insists.I nodded and followed him upstairs.
                   End of chapter
Chapter 3 is done now hope you enjoyed it, it was with action this time.The person at the top is Ivan.*Art not mine*
I will keep writing the next chapter so see you there.

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