Chapter 10

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Zero's pov-
I explain everything to them. They looked worried."So your mother is-"Slade said. I shrugged. I felt like I was paralyzed, unable to move underwater. After thinking, I felt a headache starting to kick in so I stopped and decided to make food for them. I called them to the table. Slade gasps."SUSHI!"Slade yelled. I chuckled."How did you learn how to cook?"Slade asked."I saw Travis's mother cook."I explained

"Impressive."Ivan said in amazement. I sat next to Slade as he eats. I checked to make sure that Travis's mother wasn't here yet. I took a piece of bread about to eat it. Slade grabbed the piece of bread." ARE YOU BLIND?!"Slade yelled."What?!"I asked. Slade snapped the bread in half, melted chocolate was pouring out of the center. My eyes widened."She really doesn't want you to eat."Ivan said examining the bread. I sighed. We were watching Netflux shows, I was thinking about the dream.

I felt my heart sink as I replay it in my mind. It felt so real, I could feel the extreme cold and the way how the snow hit me. I walked upstairs to my room looking at my reflection to see her instead of me. My eyes widened. I slowly placed my hand on the mirror, so did she. She slowly faded back into my reflection. Tears came out of my eyes as my ears and tail droop.

I hear footsteps comong towards me. I quickly shut the door locking it."Zero?"Ivan said. He knocks the door as I walk to my bed and curled myself into a ball. I felt vibrating in my pocket.*Travis-Hey!*Travis texted me. I sighed as I texted.*Yes sir?*

Violent knocking can be heard from the door."Zero open the door!"Ivan yelled. I walked to the door opening it.

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