Chapter 7

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Zero's pov-
"Zero, why are not eating?"Travis asked.Everyone turned over to me."I'm not hungry."I answered."Then can I have it?"Slade asked.I passed my plate over to Slade,he started to eat again."Zero,can I talk to you?"Travis asked.I nodded.We went to the living room and sat on a couch."What is in your mind?"Travis asked.He came closer to inspect my collar."What is this?"He asked.I sighed."Slade gave it to me."I answered."What does it do?"He asked."It increases my endurance and helps me communicate with Slade."I explained.Travis sighed."This is what you were thinking so much?"He asked."Well,I was thinking why exactly he gave me this."I explained."Don't think on it too much."Travis said as he got up.I nodded before I stood up.We walked back and finished dinner.Travis went in the living room to ask his parents to let him stay."They said yes."Travis said.Slade gave me pjs to wear."Take the bed."He insisted."What?Its your room."I said."Your my guest."Slade stated.I sighed."Fine."I said."Besides,I have an extra cat bed."Slade said.He became his original form and laid down.I went to the bathroom to change.

I walked back in the room to see Slade fast asleep.I silently went into the bed to sleep.I feel four paws on my chest,I decided to open my eyes to see Slade."Wake up!"He yelled.I was snapped back to reality forgetting that Slade was standing on my chest.He quickly landed on the bed on all fours.Slade chuckled.I sighed as I got out from the bed.Slade sighed."Now I have to wake up Travis and Ivan."Slade said."Can I do it?" I asked.He nodded.I turned into my original form and started to howl loudly.Ivan violently opened the door."Zero,What the Heck?!"He yelled.Travis walked in rubbing his eyelids."We can't be late."I stated.Slade chuckled.I turned back to my human form.Slade did the same.Travis tapped Ivan's shoulder."We should get ready."Travis said with a tired voice.We all got ready and head to school.Slade and I were sitting in the back talking until the whole classroom went silent.The tv was on the news channel.My eyes widened as I hear the reporters speak.

Breaking news,just in:A kemonomimi and his owner found dead in an ally way.The bodies are filled with deep cuts with a symbol that looks like a flame.We will keep you updated.*
No one dared to say a word for minutes until they started whispering.I whimpered as my ears and tail drooped.Slade's ears and tail also drooped also."How is this possible?!"Slade yelled."Keep it down!"I whispered.He nodded."You think Travis and Ivan saw that?"Slade asked."I don't know.."I answered."We need to protect them."Slade stated.I nodded.After the last period ended,we went to get food.Everyone was eating except me,I am surprised that Slade is hold up his fear.Travis stared at me with a confused look."What is wrong?"He asked.
                   End of chapter
Hope this one is long enough.I have to pack up tomorrow but I might start writing chapter 8.
I will see you later.


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