Chapter 3 Meeting the boys

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"Meeting the boys"

Rose was going to stay the night. Her mom was happy that we had gotten a response from the boys. That night Mom called and talked to their body guard, Paul. I had really wanted to talk to Harry or any of them for that matter, Rose too.

But everytime I tried to ask, Mom would hush me and continue talking to Paul. She giggled a lot too. I was starting to think that she had a thing for him. Wow this was turning into quite something.

So the boys would fly in tonight and book a hotel. Then tomorrow around noon they would come over for lunch and a little get together. The media had no idea. I was glad for that too.

There was no way that I wanted all of those reporters at my house. Rose and I were laying in my bed. It was about 1:15 in the morning. "10 hours and 45 minutes until we meet Harry and Niall." She whispered.

I laughed. "Yeah that feels like ten years." I told her. Then I turned over to where I was facing my window. "Well I'm going to go to sleep so I won't be a complete grouch tomorrow." I told her.

"Yeah, me too. Night." She said. "Night." I replied. I closed my eyes tight and surprisingly fell asleep.

* * * * * *

"Ok girls. Its 9:00. You guys need to get up, showered and dressed. I'm getting started on the food now." Mom's voice said. Rose and I jerked awake. Excitment flooded throughout my entire body.

I had butterflies. "I call shower first." I said jumping out of my bed. "Damn you." Rose said. I went to the bathroom and got the water going. My hands were shaking. I couldn't believe how scared I was.

What if they didn't like me? I asked myself. Well then what was there reason for coming. To laugh at me? They didn't seem like that type of people. I peeled my clothes off and got in the shower.

The warm water felt nice on my skin. I washed my hair and body quickly and shut off the water. I wanted to make sure that Rose had plently of warm water too. I wrapped my towel around me and skipped back to my bedroom.

"Your turn." I told her. "Oh my god! You're naked." She said covering her eyes. I laughed. "So what we're girls. It's nothing we've never seen before." I told her. "So!" She said running out of the room, her eyes still covered.

I took the towel off me and wrapped it around my hair. I put on bra and underwear and looked in my closet for something to wear. I needed to look cute too. Better yet I needed to look beautiful.

I decided on a baby pink sundress. It went down to right above my knees and it made my figure look good. I was kind of tight but not too clingy. It was tightish in a good way I put it on and then I put on my raspberry deoraunt and then sprayed the perfume that came with it.

I thought that it smelled quite good myself. I sat at my desk and did my make-up. Very lightly. I didn't want to look like I was trying too hard. By the time I dried my hair Rose was coming back into my bedroom.

She was just in a towel. I laughed at her. "What happened to freaking out becaue I was naked?" I asked. She shrugged. "Thats when I realized that I didn't have anything to wear. Please help me." She begged.

I stood from my desk and walked over tomy closet. "Um what do you want to wear? You can pick anything." I told her. She smiled. She started going through all my clothes. She settled on a pair of fitted jean shorts and a low cut nice tee shirt.

I put curls in my instintions not to make it all the way curly but to give it something. My instintions were the good kind that you could do anything to. And they matched my hair perfectly.

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