Chapter 2 Addison Harris

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Chapter 2 Addison Harris

(Harry Styles Point Of View)

I was sitting on the couch in our hotel room. My feet were in Louis's lap. We were playing Call Of Duty: Black Ops. "I'm going to kill you." I yelled running up to him, stabbing him in the chest.

His guy died with a grunt and a heap. "Hahahaha." I said. I flashed Louis a grin. "Ready for round what 100 now?" I asked. I was really good at this game. Plus it was awesome that we were on vacation now.

Louis narrowed his eyes at me. "No I think I'm done." He said. I cracked another smile. "Why? You mad that you're getting your butt kicked?" I asked. "No! I can't concentrate when your stinky feet are in my face." he said.

I lifted my feet and put them closer to his face. "Smell em, smell em, now take them." I said and I gently smacked him with my feet. "Oh get your nasty feet off of my face!" he yelled.

Then we started wrestling and laughing. "Niall! Harry! You have to check this out." Liam yelled walking in the room followed by Zayn. "What is it?" I asked. He only said mine and Niall's name, I was starting to get curious.

"Not until Niall gets here. By the way, where is Niall?" Zayn asked. I sat up all the way. "Um, I'm pretty sure that he's in bed." I tell them. Zayn ran into the bedroom. Seconds later we hear a groan.

"What do you want?" Niall's cranky voice said. I laughed. "ok, lads. What is all this about?" I asked. Niall walked in after Zayn rubbing his hair with sleepy eyes. "Niall go sit by Harry so you two can see this." Liam instructed.

Niall too tired to do anything else listened. Louis scooted over to make room. Liam placed the laptop on my lap and pushed play. "Make a wish foundation? In the United States?" I asked confused as a girl named Claire wished for an SUV.

"Keep watching. Wait for the last girl." Liam said. Niall suddenly got interested. He put his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands.The guy Brad got done and the last girl came on.

She was really pretty. Is that why Liam wanted us to watch this because I'd fancy her. All I knew s she had a beautiful smile. "Uh, hi my name is Addison Harris. I'm seventeen years old. I was diagnosed when I was fourteen. I have been in remission for the past six months. Today, I wish for my friend Rose and I to spend two weeks completely alone with Harry Styles and Niall Horan from One Direction." she said.

I jumped a little. She and her friend wanted to spend two weeks with us. No fan has ever gone that far to meet us. I was actually inpressed. After she said that she blushed. Her face turned as red as fire.

It was really cute. Nobody clapped for her like they did for the other two. She looked sad, like she might cry. I felt bad for her. She didn't even walk back to her chair she went straight off the stage to whom I guessed was Rose.

Rose hugged her. "You guys are a bunch of jerks." She said to the crowd. Wow. I've never seen anybody call a crowd jerks especially on T.V. She was right though. They were extremely rude to her.

"Her friend's cute." Niall said. I smirked at him. "Yeah they both are. The least we can do is meet them. If they're nice on the inside as much on the outside then maybe we can acutally do it." I said.

Niall nodded. "Yeah you never know this could be a cool oppurtunity for us." he said. I nodded. "You're right." I said. I pulled out my cell phone and called our manager. "Hey its Harry. Yeah I saw it. Thats actually why I called. Can I get her address? I think Niall and I are going to write her a letter." I said into the phone.

(Addy's point of view)

It has been a couple days since the foundation. Rose and I were walking to my house from school. I've been down since the whole thing. I was so embarrassed. People at school didn't help the matter either.

Some would make fun of me for liking a boy band as a senior and others would say that I'm a lengend. It was flattering of course but it only made the negative attention worse. Mom was staning on the porch when we were walking up.

"Hey Ad, do me a favor and grab the mail please." mom said. Rose went to talk to my mom while I walked down the driveway to get the mail. I looked through it. Bills for mom and a letter for me from...England?

Hand written letter. The front was signed from Harry Styles and Niall horan. Oh. My. God. I felt as if I couldn't breath for a minute. Was I really getting a response from them? I ran up to mom and Rose.

I handed Mom her mail and ran inside. "Wait Addison what is that?" Rose asked following me upstairs. I didn't answer her. I just kept going to my room. "Addison Elizabeth Harris. You better answer me." She said.

When we got in my room I stopped. I held up the letter. "This my friend may be the best letter that has been written to me. Or it may be the worst. It is from Harry Styles and Niall Horan and once you're ready I shall open it and reveal our fate." I answered.

She screamed. "Oh my god! What are you waiting for? I'm ready." she told me. I grinned. I began to open the letter. I did it slowly to make sure that I didn't rip anything important.

Once I finally got it open, I began to read out loud

Dear Addison,

We saw your video. We were very flattered and impressed with how you stood up for what you wanted like that. You were very brave. We found out that you live in Southern Illinois.

We will be flying in tonight. We know tomorrow is apart of your weekend and we hope that we aren't intruding on you. Since you are underage, have your mother call the number below so we can make arrangements to meet.

We are looking forward to meeting you and your friend.

(555) 123-4567 Love from, Harry Styles and Niall Horan

I couldn't believe my eyes. Harry Styles and Niall Horan were coming tomorrow to meet us. Rose looked shocked too. Then it finall sunk in and she was squealing. "It's a dream come true. I can't believe this is actually happening." Rose said.

"I know me too." I agreed. I went to the stairs. "Mom you need to call this number. They want to meet us tomorrow!" I yelled down. "Who?" she called up.

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