Chapter 1 Make a wish foundation

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"Make A Wish Foundation"

I was very nervous. You might think it was because I was about to be on live national T.V. But no that wasn't it. I had been on it before. Just me standing there with other cancer paients as myself.

I never said anything. But today I was. It was my turn to do my make a wish thing. I wasn't nervous about talking. I'm nervous about what I am going to say. God. What are people going to say?

Would I actually get it or will people laugh? My cancer isn't even that bad. It has been in remission for the past 6 months. My hair was down to my neck already. I don't even know why I'm doing this.

Someone else would deserve to make a wish more then I. There are a lot of worse cases then me. Man, Rose what have you gotten me into? I asked my best friend inside my head, and speaking of the devil she was walking up to me now.

She could tell by the look on my face that I was thinking about not doing it. It would be the right thing. "Addy, You're not flaking out on me. Come on. You want this to happen too. And this is the perfet oppurtunity. No offense. This could change our lives you know." She told me.

That "No offense" made me grin. "See there ya go. You're what the worlds is going to be talking about today and for the next 2 weeks or years to come." she told me. I blushed. "Well I wouldn't go that far." I told her.

I couldn't help but giggling. Then Rose started giggling and then we were hugging and jumping up and down. I had to get all of this out now so I didn't look more like a fool then I already would when I announced my wish.

My mother knew about it. She was not sure at first but then since I will be 18 in 7 days there is not a lot that she can do about it. A producer of today's show walked up to us. "Ok girls we know you're excited but can you keep the noise to a minimal?" he asked.

I blushed more and ndded. Rose went for a solute and said "Yes sir." That got me laughing. I pulled out my cell phone. 11:50. Damn. Ten more minutes until this started and ten more minutes until everyone watching this will know my secret desire.

Rose was really excited. Hell, I was too. Especially if this was going to happen. That would be the best present ever. If it does happen I have the money for it. So does Rose. We have been saving since we came up with the wish.

My mom pitched in some too. The producer interrupted my thoughts. "Addison Harris?" He asked me with a clipboard in his hand. I nodded. "Yes thats me." I said. He gave me a grin.

"Ok we need to get you ready. We're going to air in about five or so minutes." He let me know. I turned to Rose. She hugged me and whispered in my ear, "You need to do this. It would be the best thing. Totally awesome. You'd be a goddess forever."

I laughed. She was right. Ths would be totally awesome. "Ok girls. Its time to go." The producer said. Well he was pushy. But thats ok. I just want to get this over with. She patted me on my back one last time then went to stand in the crowd.

I followed the producer to get with the other paients. There were two besides me. Most likey they would wish to go to a different country or to get a car. Sometimes that was even extreme.

I wonder what they are going to think about me, I thought to myself. There names were Brad and Claire. Its funny there last names came before mine. So I was going last. The camera man was only about 6 or 7 feet away from us.

There was a podiem in the middle where we would go to speak and sponsers for the foundation sitting behind it. There were three chairs off to the side for us to sit where we were waiting or when we were done.

I felt my stomach do a flip. Oh god. Please don't throw up. I told myseld. "Over here Addison." The producer said. I went and sat down on the far left. The host. I didn't know her name, was all smiles.

"Oh hello. My name is Jenna. Its a pleasure to meet you all." She said shaking all our hands. The others said hello but all I could do was smile. "Oh? A littler nervous, I see. I was like that at first but you will be fine." She let me know.

I smiled. "Thank you." I got out. "Hey, Jen. We're ready for you." The cameraman said. "Oh got to go. Kill em!" She old us. My stomach did another flip. She walked to the podiem. "Tell me when." She whispered.

Ok in 5..4..3...." The cameraman said. "Hi, my name is Jenna Kay. This is the make a wish foundation summer 2012. I will be your host. Here today we have three lovely teens who wil be revealing there wishes. They have told me what they are wishing for and its completely amazing what we can do for them. Here is Claire Stevens." She said.

What? We didn't tell her anything. Wow what a liar. Well anyway. Claire got up and slowly walked over to take Jenna's place. "Hello everyone. My name is Claire Stevens. I was diagnosed when I was 11, and it was the worst 3 years of my life. Chemo, hospitas. It all sucked. But now its worth it because I have been in remission for the last 12 months. My wish is to get an SUV. Purple." She said.

Everybody clapped. See that was easily do-able. My thing well yes itcould happen. I just don't know if it will. She went and sat back down. Wow. It's really that fast? Brad got up and now it was his turn to do his wish.

"Hello, my name is Bradley Carrigan. I'm 19 years old and I was diagnosed when I was 7. I have been in remission since 13. I wish for a spring break trip to Vegas with my girlfriend, my best friend and his girlfriend." He said.

Everybody clapped for him too. He came back and sat down. I could feel myself start to sweat. I got out of my seat and slowly walked over to the podiem. I saw Rose sitting in the crowd along with my mother.

Come on Addy. I told myself. It's as easy as sticking a shevel in the ground. Wait Sometimes that wasn't easy at all. I closed my eyes tightly then opened them fast. Small black dots filled the room.

I started to speak. I needed to get this out. "Uh, hi. My name is Addison Harris. I'm seventeen years old I was diagnosed when I was fourteen. I have been n remission for the past 6 months. Today, I wish for my friend Rose and I to spend two weeks completely alone with Harry Styles and Niall Horan from One Direction."

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