Chapter 22 VMAs

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Chapter 22 VMA’s

(Harry’s Point of View)                                                                                                                     

3 weeks later

            It was about 11:30 p.m. Kansas time. I had just got to Addy’s house for my weekend stay with her. I felt so bad because I had missed my last two weekends with her.

            I pulled my necklace out of my shirt and took the key off that Emma had given me for their house. For situations like this. I pushed the key in the lock and quietly walked in. I knew Addison would be in her bed, most likely asleep.

            All the lights were off except for the light on the stairs. Thank, God. I didn’t feel like falling on them and scaring the shit out of everyone.

            I quietly opened Addy’s door and sat my bag on the floor. She was curled up under two blankets on her bed, and she was still shaking.

            I took off my necklaces and put them on her bedside table. Next I went to my shirt and pants. I wasn’t shy around her. I don’t think I ever was. Not like she was around me.

            Pulling the blankets back, I laid carefully on the bed beside her. I ran my hand over her stomach pulling her closer to me.

            She groaned. “Shh.” I whispered.

            I sighed when I saw her hair. Not that it mattered to me, I cared about her no matter what. She was just so excited that it was finally coming back.

            “Harry?” She whispered.

            I hadn’t noticed that she was awake. I rubbed her side some more. “Yes?” I asked. “Who else would it be?” I added as a joke.

            She turned over and buried herself into my arms. Her arms went around my neck, lightly tugging on my hair. “If I didn’t think it was you, I’d be screaming by now.” She told me.

            I grinned and traced her cheek with the back of my fingers. “How are you feeling?” I asked. We had talked earlier on the phone and she was sick to her stomach.

            “Better.” She answered.

            I kissed her lips. She kissed me back for a second but then pulled away. “A little bit better, I should say.” She said with a grin.

            I gave her a small smile. “Go to sleep, babe.” I said.

            She snuggled closer to me her nose in the crook of my neck. “Are you going to be here when I wake up?” She asked.

            She rubbed her fingertips lightly up my back. God, it felt so good. “Of course.” I choked out.

            She didn’t say anything else, just continued to rub my back until we both fell asleep.

            Next Morning

            (Addison’s point of view)

            “Morning sleepy head.” Harry told me as soon as I had opened my eyes. He had bed head. It looked so sexy. He was propped up on his elbow grinning down at me.

            “How long have you been awake?” I asked slightly curious.

            He shrugged. “About a half hour.” He told me.

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