Chapter 14 6 months without Harry Styles

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Chapter 14 Six Months Without Harry Styles

(Addison's Point Of View)

A lot can happen in six months. You start school again. Your hair grows. You, yourself may grow a few inches. Or your boyfriend can tour Austrilia with his band.

For me, all of that was going on. I was finally in college. Megan was in her sophomore year of college and Rose was in her senior year of high school.

Right now, I was sitting at my laptop straightening my hair. My real hair. It has grown 7 inches in the past six months. I was on Skype talking to Harry.

"You're ruining your hair, you know." He told me.

I rolled my eyes and continued to straighten it. "I haven't had long hair in a very long time. I want to see it straight." I reminded him.

I looked at him from the corner of my eye and he was grinning. "So how is the college? You're a month in now?" he asked.

I shrugged. "I thought that it would be more hands on. I had to write an 8 page research paper last weekend. I didn't know that you had to have writing skills to be a nurse." I said.

He chuclked and yawned. He was so exhausted, he had bags coming in under his eyes.

"Go to sleep." I demanded.

He jumped a little, I had caught him by surprise. "I want to talk to you some more." He whined.

Done with my hair, I sat my straightener down, now off. "Your sleep is more important. Good night." I told him.

He gave me a small smile. "Whatever you say." He said.

I grinned at him. "That's right." I agreed.

He blew me a kiss. "Night, babe. Have a good day at school." he said.

I blew him a kiss back. "Sweet dreams, don't dream about me too much." I teased with a grin.

He rolled his eyes. "I am never telling you about my dreams ever again" he said playfully.

I laughed. "Bye." I said.

He waved and I ended the call. I went into my bathroom and pineed some of my hair back so it was easier to see my face.

Ever since filling out more and looking more healthy I had gained more confidence.

"Ad, are you ready?" Mom called up the stairs.

I went back in my room and grabbed my bag. "Yeah." I answered.

I walked down the stairs and she was in the kitchen making coffee. "So I assume you were Skyping with Harry?" She asked as I hopped on the counter.

I started to pick at a bagel and she handed me a cup of coffee. "Yes, ma'am." I answered. I stuck a piece in my mouth and started to chew.

She took a sip of her coffee. "And how is he?" She asked.

I shrugged. "He's fine, I guess. He didn't really talk much. He's so tired. he said that he likes listening to me talk." I told her.

She put a hand on my shoulder as I continued to eat. "He's tired from working. It's expected. Are you feeling ok? Any headaches?" She asked looking at me in the eyes.

I shook my head. "No, none in months now." I said, and I was telling the truth. I hadn't felt so much better in so long. It was great to be healthy again. Honestly, it may have sounded crazy but I believed that Harry was a reason for that.

She smiled. "You look great, you really do." She told me.

I smiled back. "Thanks." I said.

She leaned in and kissed my cheek. "I'm so glad you're better." She told me.

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