Chapter 17 Meeting Anne and Gemma

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Chapter 17 Meeting Anne and Gemma

(Addison's point of view)

"Thank you so much for coming." Erin hugged me as Curt and Harry were putting our bagss in their car.

"I wouldn't have missed it. I hoped you had good closure." I said.

She nodded. "I did. Thank you for saying that. I really am tired of people telling me how sorry they are."She told me.

I nodded. "I completely understand. When my dad died I went through the same thing." I told her.

She hugged me again. "Promise me that you will keep in touch. I would like to think of you as one of my friends." She told me.

I hugged her back. "Of course Erin. We are friends." I told her.

"Okay ,it's time to go." Curt said, making us break apart.

We laughed. Erin went and hugged Harry quickly before letting us go. "Goodbye, see you soon." Erin called as she walked up her drive to go back inside the house.

This time Harry sat up front with Curt while I sat in the back by myself. It didn't bother me, I had a book in my bag for me to read for the ride.

* * * * * * I couldn't believe that I had stayed awake for the whole ride. I always had a problem with falling asleep on long rides.

I tried to grab my bags out of the trunk but of course Harry wouldn't let me.

"Do you need me to walk you inside?" Curt asked.

Harry shook his head. "No, thanks. It was really great to meet you." Harry said shaking his hand.

Curt hugged me. "Come see us again." He said in my ear.

"Of course." I told him.

He pulled away to get back in his car. "Goodbye guys." He said.

"Bye." I said as Harry nodded. Curt started his car and pulled away.

"You ready?" Harry asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, let's go." I said. I went to take his hand but it was hard because he was carrying both of our bags.

My bag was a lot smaller than his. I could have carried it. I went to grab it but he pulled it closer to him.

"Please just let me carry it." I begged.

He stopped walking and looked at me. "If I let you carry it will you stop whining?" He asked raising an eyebrow at me.

I batted my eyelashes at him and smiled. "Oh yes I will." I said.

He couldn't help but grin as he handed me my bag. I put it on my shoulder and giggled, loving the fact that I had won.

"You're lucky that you're cute." he told me as he took my hand.

We walked inside the aiport and Harry pulled out his cell phone looking at the time. "Come on, babe. We're going to be late." He said pulling me into the lobby.

* * * * * *

"Okay, there is a cab outside. We'll take it to my house." he said as we walked through the England airport.

I had to wear a coat here. It was so could. I couldn't believe it when Harry told me that it was like this all year long. "I'm so excited to meet your mom." I said as we climbed in the back seat of the cab.

"Me, too. I'm also excitedto see my Mum. It's almost been a year since I've been home." He let me know.

I grinned. This was so exciting. "Does your Mom know that you're coming?" I asked as I scooted closer to him.

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