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(Addison’s Point of View)

            Yes, I’m watching. I’m always watching. I like it. It’s like being there with them while they go on with their lives but not being there at the same like. Like a movie. The hardest to watch is Harry. He has good days and bad days. But I don’t want to get into that right now. I want to start with Megan and Liam.

(Megan and Liam)

            At first things for Megan and Liam were going very good. She moved to the U.K with him and was loving it. At first. Liam didn’t want her to do anything for herself. He wanted to take care of her. She needed more in her life. School, her sister. Growing up. She just needed to go home. It was very hard for her but she had to break it off to leave. He was sad, he would miss her. Not even a month later he was back with Danielle, who was still secretly cheating on him. Hmm. We’ll see about that. (See Change My Mind, A companion to Moments)

(Rose and Niall)

            They texted and called each other every day while he was gone. It was hard. She needed more. Upset over my death, she started to party. Doing her own thing. Niall told her that she needed to get better, he couldn’t take it, seeing her like that.  Despite the promises she mad she didn’t stop. Niall got fed up with it and left her. Will things change, or will they get back together? (See Summer Love, a companion to Moments)


            He tried to make things  better between him and Eleanor. For me. I thought that was so sweet. Until I found out why. See after you die, you figure out everything. You can see right through people. I had never thought that Louis would ever have a thing for me. I was his best friends girlfriend, yet he had feelings for me, too. He was almost as sad as Harry. Officially broke it off with Eleanor so that he could mourn. I had really screwed things up. (No Story yet, but coming soon)


            There’s not much to say about Zayn right now. He’s good with Perrie for now. I know what’s going to happen, but I don’t want to ruin the surprise. Perhaps another girl will steal his heart. We have no clue….yet. ;)

(Mom and Paul)

            Oh my god! I am so excited for them. They got married! They kept our house, but she’s mostly lives with him in the U.K. She’s happy. She misses me, but she’s not going to let my death ruin her life. She’s pregnant, with a little girl. In my honor, they’re naming her Maddison. Cute right? (No story lol)


            He’s back in the U.K.. He moved out of Louis’ flat and is living on his own. He still spends most of his time with the boys. When he’s alone at his house, he reads my letter a lot. He also has my journal. I had no clue how he got it and I don’t really want to know. He needed to move on with his life. I found a girl that would be perfect for him. He’ll love her, I know he will. I changed fate so that they will meet each other. He’ll have love again. (Don’t let me go. Coming Soon. Very Soon.)

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