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A word many have strived to achieve. Some failing in the process while others somehow succeed. The word holds no valuable meaning to me. I've always payed for other mistakes thus not being able to be truly free.
My only true friend is the constant guilt that eats me alive but also keeps my sanity a bay. It's like a constant reminder that I'm a failure. A person who couldn't even save his friends as they perished one by one like pawns on a chess board only not being able to help their master achieve checkmate.

I always wondered what was wrong with me, why God decided to tug my strings a bit more than his other creations? I've always felt like the odd one out even when I was with them. I'm like a flower that withers away when they are useless. In this instance I withered away quicker simply because I was useless from the start.

Let the show begin.
Ladies and gentlemen this is how I ruined everything in an Endless Cycle of regret.


Endless Cycle- Cycle of RegretWhere stories live. Discover now