30 ~ Park Woojin

477 17 21

What are you waiting for

“(Y/N), please help me,” Woojin whined, sending you finger hearts

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

“(Y/N), please help me,” Woojin whined, sending you finger hearts. “Please? Please? Please? Please?”

You rolled your eyes and flicked Woojin’s forehead. “Fine, I’ll help you ask Sohee out. But you’re buying me ice cream in return, got it?”

Woojin leapt up from the couch where you two had been sitting, doing a little dance in celebration. He’d been crushing on Kim Sohee, a girl from his Chemistry class, for a while, and kept asking you if you would help him ask her out. Little did Woojin know, you actually had a huge crush on him.

“So, can we get started?” Woojin asked you hopefully. You sighed, giving him a glare. “Pleaaaase?”

“Fine.” You straightened up to get a good look at him. “I guess step one would be to actually start talking to her.”

“Whaddya mean?”

“I mean,” you sighed in exasperation, “No girl is going to actually fall for a complete stranger. You need to talk to her! Get to know her! You’re an interesting guy, so let her know about what you’re into.”

Woojin nodded. “Got it. Get to know her, tell her about my own interests. I got this.”


“(Y/N), I fucked up.”

You glanced over to where Woojin laid, sprawled out on the grass of the football field. You opted for sitting in the bleachers, not wanting to get your jeans dirty.

“What happened?” You asked, throwing a chip at your best friend, “it couldn’t have gone that bad.”

“yeah, it did,” Woojin groaned, rolling over onto his stomach so that he could look up at you. He took a bite of his sandwich before continuing. “So I asked her about her hobbies and she told me about cheerleading, right? So I was all like oh, I dance, and dancing is pretty similar to cheerleading. But then she’s like, uh, no it’s not, cheerleading is way harder, and since I was talking to her I wasn’t paying attention to my Bunsen burner, and my sleeve caught on fire.” You gaped at him, amazed that he could actually be such a train wreck. “Look, my sweater is ruined!” He cried in anguish, lifting up the singed part of his sweater.

“Dancing is way harder than cheerleading, though!” You protested angrily, not really caring about Woojin’s sweaters. You’d been to every single one of his competitions, and you knew how physically and emotionally trying it was. “I mean, yeah competitive cheerleading is harder, but the kind of cheerleading she does? No way!”

“I need more advice, (Y/N),” Woojin sighed, brushing grass of his pants, “I really want to ask her to prom, but at this rate, there’s no way I’ll be able to.”

Why can’t you ask me to prom? I’m right here!

“Okay, um,” You frowned, trying to think of how Woojin would be able to overcome his nerdiness. “Yeah, I got nothing. I can try googling it?”

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