22• Ong Seongwoo (request)

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Imagine for EllenTheMelon12

You and Seongwoo has been friends for a long time but recently you see him differently then before.

When he says nice things about you like how pretty you look in a outfit or how he smiles you when you do something cute you blush easily.

You want to tell him but you don't want to ruin your friendship with him.

But his friends who are also your friends say he has feelings for you.

Today Seongwoo was acting super weird and you didn't know why.

As you were leave school to go home be alone usually you walk with Seongwoo but you haven't seen him at school today.

You felt your phone vibrate and you see you have a text from Seongwoo.

From: Seongwoo ❤
Hi I was wondering if you can meet me at the park, the one we going to.

You replied yeah and walked to the park where you guys share so much memories there.

You laughed at the memories you have made with him.

You know falling for your best friend is hard but how can you not falling for Seongwoo he is everything you look in a guy.

Like how when he talking about something he love like dancing or singing he has this look in he eyes.

How he is always there for you no matter what.

You finally made it to the park and you see Seongwoo standing there with flowers in his hands.

"Hi Seongwoo" you said

"Hi Y/N, umm these are for you" he said giving you the flowers with are your favorite one

"Thanks" you said

"Come on I have a surprise for you" he said grabbing your hand and pulling you with him

You were confused on what going on, then you see that Seongwoo stop.

"Seongwoo what are you doing?" You asked

"I have to cover your eyes so you can see the surprise" He said covering your eyes with his hands

You rolled your eyes

"Alright Y/N are you ready to see your surprise" He asked

You nodded "Yeah"

He removed his hands and you see a hot air balloon.

You always wanted to get on one and the thought that he is making that happen makes your heart flutter

"Seongwoo are you for real" you said to him

He laughed "Yeah I remember when you said you wanted to ride one so I called in for some flavor and here it is."

You looked at him and then at the hot air balloon and back at him not believing he did that for you.

You hugged him "Thank you Seongwoo"

He nodded "Come on let's get on it"

You and him got on the air balloon.

As you were in the air, you could see how beautiful the sky and all the building were.

"Have a other surprise for you Y/N" Seongwoo said

"What is with all this surprises Seongwoo" You said

"Well you will see soon" he said

As you were enjoying the sights, you looked down cause something caught your eye

"Seongwoo what is that" you said pointing at the ground

"Ah that's your surprise, read the sign Y/N" he said

You looked at the sign and it said "Will you make me the happiest person and be my beautiful girlfriend"

"Wait what" you said still confused on what going on

He laughed "well if you can see Y/N I want you to be my girlfriend Y/N. Well you see I have liked you for sometime now but I was afraid to say something cause I didn't know if you liked me back but the guys told me to take a chance and see. Y/N I really like you, you are the only person I look forward to seeing in the morning and the person who can easily make me smile or laugh. I understand if you don't like me back but I have to tell you this, I really hope I didn't ruining our friendship"

You eyes widened as he confessed to liking me. You actually can't believe he likes you back

"Yes" you said

"Huh" he said

You laughed "Yes I would love to be your girlfriend. I actually have liked you for sometime now but just like you I didn't want to ruining our friendship so I didn't say anything."

He smiled " well then jagiya, do you want to continue this date or get down to say hi to the boys"

"How about we wait for a little" you said

He nodded and wrapped his arms around you waist from the back

You smiled and continued to see the beautiful sights but this time with your lovely boyfriend by your side.


I hope you like it love

Question: Would you rather eat your favorite food for the rest of your life or eat something you hate for the rest of your life?

Answer: Eat something I like 😂


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