5• Kim Jaehwan

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You always wanted to learn to play guitar. So one day you were walking to your classes at Hoseong University.

You hear someone playing the guitar and you see Kim Jaehwan playing it. 

You have on crush on him but you never actually had the chance to talk to him.

So now here you are at his dorm so he can teach me how to play.

You knocked on his door waiting for him to came answer.

You hear the door open and you see a attractive guy open the door.

"Can I help you" he said

"umm I'm here to see Jaehwan" you said

"Alright came in by the way I'm Jisung, do you want something to drink" he said moving to the side so you can come in

"No I'm fine but thanks" you said

"Alright just wait her and I will get Jaehwan for you" he said walking away

You see Jaehwan and Jisung walking out and they are talking.

You see look up and see Jaehwan looking at you.

You smiled and he did too.

"Alright well I will tell the others not to bother you guys, have fun" Jisung said

Jaehwan and you nodded at him. 

"Alright Y/N let's start" HR said putting the guitar on your lap which you didn't notice he had

After couple of hours of learning guitar, let's just say your bad at guitar.

You were packing my things up and you see Jaehwan looking at you. 

You were about to leave the dorm and you felt someone grab your wrist.

"Umm Y/N, I know I'm just teaching you how to play guitar but I was umm wondering if you would like to have lunch or dinner sometime" Jaehwan said has his face and his ears are getting red.

You giggled at him "I would love to Jaehwan, just let me know when" you said

He nodded and smiled "Alright I will, get home safe" he said

You smiled and decided to kiss his cheek  "see you tomorrow Jaehwan" you said

You saw his eyes widened and his face turning red again.

Let's just say I'm going to look forward for these guitar lesson.

Here a short imagine for my bias in Wanna One. 

I'm to start asking you guys some questions on chapter.

So here is the first question.

Question: Who is your bias and bias wrecker in Wanna One?
  Answer: My bias is Jaehwan and my wrecker is Daniel or Jisung I choose between them. Haha

~ Eonni Ena

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