28 ~ Ha Sungwoon (Request)

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Imagine for Omgitszana

You and Sungwoon have been friends for a long time.

You and Sungwoon got alone well since your not a girly girl. You like to go out outside and play sports and also video games.

You heard how sometimes when girl and a boy are friends one always ends up like each other.

You thought that was crazy until you feel different when you hang out with Sungwoon.

Your heart beat faster and you think about him all the time.

But the sad thing is that Sungwoon likes this girl who is pretty but her her attitude is horrible. So she mean to everyone but Sungwoon doesn't see it. He think she a angel.

Anyway so here I am at Sungwoon have this fight about this girl.

"Look Sungwoon that girl is not good for you" You said

"Y/N can we not talk about this right now, I'm trying to get ready for my date." He said

"Sungwoon please just listen to me." You said

"Look what do you know about being a girl Y/N." He said

You shakes your head "You know what I don't care anymore."

You walk out of his room and walked home.

The next day you went to Your friend Daniel house.

You knocked on the door and you see Daniel.

"Hi Daniel" You said

"Hi Y/N, Come in" He said moving over so you can get in.

You and Daniel have been friends for a long time too, He knows about your crush on Sungwoon.

But the thing is that Daniel likes you, but you have told him that you liked him as a friend.

Sometimes you wish you liked Daniel not Sungwoon but the hearts wants what it wants.

" So Y/N why did you come over" Daniel ask sitting down on his bed.

"I'm waiting for your sister to take me to the mall, she told me to wait here." You said

"You and shopping that's new" He said

"Well I have to prove a point to someone" You said

"Let's me guess Sungwoon" He said

"Daniel look" You said

"I get it Y/N really" Daniel said smiling

Couple of minutes with Daniel, his sister finally picked you up.

After of couple of hours of shopping with Daniel sister, you are finally home.

You thought I will show you Sungwoon who not a girl.

The best day you went to school all glam up, you have high heels and makeup on.

"Y/N" you hear someone say

You turned away and see Daniel "Wow"

You laughed "Daniel stop"

"I mean your were beautiful before but wow how can you get more beautiful."  He said

"Thanks Daniel" You said smiling at him

"Oh yeah, I think you proved to Sungwoon cause he is looking at you with his mouth open" he said

You turn around and see Sungwoon with his mouth open.

He walking towards you " Y/N wow your so beautiful"

" I know but thanks anyway" you said

The bell rings you were about to walk away "Let me walk to class Y/N" Sungwoon said

"No thanks" You said walking a with Daniel

"Y/N look" Daniel said

"Please Daniel not now" You said

After couple of day of a new you. Guys will ask you to prom and of course you said no.

You were walking towards your locker and you see Daniel waiting for you but you also see Sungwoon there too.

"Hi Daniel" You said

He smiled

"Y/N can I ask you something" Sungwoon said

You nodded and looked at him.

"Umm I was wondering if you will go to prom with me." He said

"He is ask me to prom now since I'm a different now" You thought

"I'm sorry but no I'm going with Daniel" You said wrapping your arm around Daniel arm.

"Oh alright I hope you guys have fun." He said walking away

"Y/N what was that he asked you out." Daniel said.

"Yeah but still" You said

"Still what" he said

"He wants me now but not before so what the point." You said

He nodded

Tonight it's prom night and your already for Daniel to come pick you up.

You called Daniel "Daniel where are you at"

"I'm sorry Y/N but I don't feel well but don't worry I send a back up he should be there soon" He said

You sigh "Alright get better, I will see you tomorrow"

You hear the door bell rang.

You open the door and you see Sungwoon with a tuxedo on.

"Are you ready to go Y/N" he asked

You nodded your head.

You get I his car and the car ride was silent.

You get to the school and Sungwoon opened the door for you.

Though out prom you and Sungwoon just sit down.

A slow song started to play and you see Sungwoon getting up.

"Can I have this dance" Sungwoon asked.

You nodded and took his hand.

"You look really beautiful today Y/N" he said

You blushed "Thank you and you look handsome in that suit"

He laughed "Thank you"

"Look Y/N I want to apologize about what happened" he said

"Forgot about it Sungwoon" You said

"You know I always had feelings for you but I thought you liked Daniel so I pushed my feelings away" he said

"What I don't like Daniel" you said

"I know Daniel told me everything" he said

You nodded

"I was wondering since you like me and I like you we can be go out you know like boyfriend and girlfriend." He said

You blushed "Let's  take it slow first then maybe next time you asked me I will say yes"

He nodded

That night you were happy that Daniel acted like he was sick so you can talk to Sungwoon cause now you guys might have a future together.

I'm so sorry the imagine is super late but I hope you like it.  There is a few errors that I will fix later but next imagine is coming soon.

Question: What is your favorite song at the moment (any group or soloist)

Answer: Umm I would say my favorite song right now is EXO-CBX Blooming Days 

~ Ena ❤

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