For Me

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As I ran back into the dark again I looked back one more time to make sure he was going to be okay. I ran fast and adrenaline rushed throughout my veins making me worry about my baby. Wait did I just call Caesar's baby, my baby? A baby chimpanzee that knows I'm not his mother. A baby chimp that's not even part human. Hmm I guess it's good that I called him my kid, sort of. Maybe I can have my own kid with Caesar. Just maybe unless something happens to me or him. I finally go to the tree where I hid the baby. I uncovered the hole to see him sleeping and hugging the tiny bear I had given him. I smiled and picked him up. His eyes opened and and jumped at me, letting go of the bear.

I hugged him and he smothered himself into my neck. I smiled and picked up the tiny bear. I got up and started walking towards the direction Caesar was. I then heard howls and screaming above me. I hid in a bush not to far away from where I was standing. I kept still until I started to feel tired. I needed to stay awake, for Caesar. The blood was slowly dripping down my arm. I was getting so tired. All I could think of was Caesar. If I die from this gunshot, I had already told him I had loved him and he had said the same to me. That's all I needed to hear all my life. Those three simple words that hold so much meaning to me and everyone alive, 'I love you.' I then fell into a deep sleep as I held the baby clos to me.

When I woke up I wasn't in the same place I was last night. I had ended up on a small couch. I looked around and saw that there were dusted pictures and stairs. The place was old but I recognized it immediately. I looked at my arm and it had been patched up. Caesar's baby was laying down beside me clutching the bear and the blanket. I smiled and looked out the window and the sun had already dropped from the sky. I got up slowly making sure the baby wouldn't wake up and walked up to where Caesar may be, the attic.

I was right, he was sitting in his old bed looking at a video on a old camera. I smiled and walked over to him. I looked over his shoulder and smiled at the younger Caesar, learning how to sign language. I touched his shoulder and he tensed at first then he looked at his face. His face softened and smiled. "You looked cute when you were younger. It's adorable." I giggled. He pulled me down and crawled over me. He got up, walked up to the door/stairs thing and locked it. He had a mischievous smile on his face. He walked proudly up to me and got on top of me. He muzzled into my neck,growled and licked my neck. He then started biting my neck.

I gasped when I felt something grow between his legs and looked at him, he looked down. If he were human he would've been beat red. He pulled out his hand in front of me. I didn't understand the gesture for a couple seconds. Oh this part, where he asks for approval. He wants my approval to go farther in our relationship. He looked kinda worried when I gave him a weird look. I slapped his hand away and pulled him down back onto the bed with me. He looked confused so he stuck his hand in my face hand again, asking for permission. I laughed a little and brought his hand closer to my face. I licked his hand lightly and he got the idea that it was a yes. We then had our make out session.

With his hand going under my shirt and tugging in my bra slightly. He and started making light chimp noises. I giggled into the kiss and after a while the kiss started to heat up a bit. Eventually he took off my shirt without me noticing. I realized it was cold so I looked down and my shirt was off and on the floor. I covered my chest and looked away blushing. He grabbed my chin and made me look at him. "Beautiful....." He said silently. I smiled and got closer to him almost kissing him. There was a knock and then there was a voice. "Hey it's Malcolm I need to talk to you, Caesar." Aww man. "Ok just give us a sec please." I yelled to Malcolm. Caesar and I sighed at the same time, he dropped his head and my shoulder and got up. He grabbed my shirt off the floor and handed it to me. I smiled and winked at him. Maybe next he'll get lucky.



Hey guy's I made it longer!! I just want to ask you guy's a little favor but can you comment or message me about the ending.

Cause I have some idea's but I can't wait until the third movie. I can just make two different stories leading after the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes when the third movie comes out.

OR just wing it and make a different story line. If you want me to wait until the third movie I'll just make a different story line and continue from there.

If I can't think of any good ones I'll just make up stories to entertain you until the third movie comes out.

Thank You for reading!! Please for the love of God or if you don't believe or have a different God please help me out!!! I'm begging you!!!:)

What happens to the story depends on YOU!!! :D

Catch Me (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes) 》》[BOOK 1] 《《Where stories live. Discover now