'Love' (Part Two)

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We got back to Caesar's home. I smiled the entire way. When we got there Koba was staring at me the entire time since before I got through the entrance. He's very scary. Even in the first movie. It's probably the way he stares at people or the scars on his face. But it's very weird. He feel like he's going to just jump at me and go for the kill. When we entered the sanctuary Maurice was teaching Andy and Luther some sign language and english words they hadn't spoken yet. Caesar's infant son was in Andy's lap. I smiled as Maurice looked at me. I put up a thumbs up and he did the same hesitating. I smiled and quickly ran into Caesar's home.

I saw him standing in front of a window opening looking out in deep thought. I walked slowly to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. I hugged him and snuggled into his fur. He turned his head to me and smiled. "How did the talk go?" He asked signing. "It went great. He's okay with our relationship." I signed back. He turned his whole body to me and leaned against the wall. He then grabbed my hips pulled me closer to him. I blushed slightly turning away from his view. He took his hand to my face and shifted my head to turn to him. His face got closer to mine until I could feel his breath on my ear. "Beautiful...."  He whispered in my ear. I tilted my head to kiss him but was stopped by growling.

We both turned our heads to the source of the sound, it was Koba. I don't know how long he was standing there but he looked angry. He held jealously in his eyes. But why would he be jealous. Or is he angry because I'm a human girl having a relationship with a male ape. Yeah that's probably it, in the movie he hates all humans. I slowly backed away from Caesar. Koba growled and made some kind of chimp sounds to Caesar. He nodded to Koba and looked at me. "Human's need help at the Dam." I nodded and started walking behind Caesar on the way out. I felt Koba's eyes looking up and down on my body as if scanning me for imperfections.

I felt very uncomfortable. Felt like I was being persecuted for something wrong. It's just like school. Like on the first day of school. I looked behind me and Koba was technically watching me. He was staring at my ass. I tensed and turned around and walked faster to Caesar. You know I wonder how apes would have intercourse. I've never seen any video's like that or anything but how would it look like if it were a human and a ape. What do they do to win their mates? Well he's already won my heart. Didn't take that long really but it was very confusing. Would he make the same ish sounds as a human male would? Hmm maybe I'll figure it out on my own when we're alone. What if we did do it, what would the kid look like? Probably a freak to everyone else.

I'll love him or her as long as it's my baby or not it doesn't matter to me. I would like a strange family like this. Would he have intercourse with me or would he turn me away? Man I should really stop rethinking about everything. I hate having to thinking and thinking about it. It just leads to different things. Like right now. I mentally slapped myself and  saw that we were walking to the horses. Maurice walked up to me and handed me Caesar's baby. Luther and Andy went on a horse with Blue Eyes. I went on the horse with Caesar and the baby. I smiled to myself totally forgetting what happens next in the movie. When we got to the Dam area we went inside to inspect on what they were working on. Luther and Andy were with me the entire time making sure nothing happens to me or the baby. I was surprised. I never thought that they would be the ones to protect me soon at their age. Caesar was being followed by me and the baby, and I was being followed by Andy and Luther.

After walking around and looking at stuff I decided to stay in the main control room. Koba came yelling and screaming for Caesar. Right when Caesar walked through the door, Koba had shoved me down along with the baby. Caesar looked angry and calm. That's what made him look even scarier. I got up with the help of Andy and Luther. Koba had been accusing Caesar that he loved humans more than apes and that he wished heb could he one. He was saying that he loves humans more than his own children. Then that's when Caesar lost it. He had attacked Koba, making him bleed. Koba than asked for forgiveness and ran away to probably kill the military men. I was relieved that and sort of happy that Caesar beat the crap out of him before I did.


Hey guy's sorry if I had been slow. Just tired is all. But I will get the next  chapter done sooner :D

Catch Me (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes) 》》[BOOK 1] 《《Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora