I Am

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I am Calpurnia Pisonis, yes the same name just like the spouse of Julius Caesar, the King of Rome. I'm just like any other girl with family problems. I don't have any friends at school but I had one friend at one point. My only friend, Jackson Illis killed himself on March 6, 2011. He was deaf so I learned some sign language to be friends with him when we met. He was depressed because his girlfriend left him and had an abortion. His girlfriend was a total idiot and I tried to warn him but he was blinded by fake love.

I had loved him but he didn't love me back. That's not the only reason though, I'd rather be alone because nothing good ever comes out of love. In relationships both partners lie to each other, cheat on each other, and they use you. That's why I have no interest in love.

Plus after your married the spark dies out, the sex is bad, always having fights, ignoring each other, acusing each other of cheating and it's a waste of time spending time with the worst person on the planet. But things always change. I might get married to a very nice and gentle person that loves me, protects me. Someone that will always stay by my side, doesn't judge by the cover of a book but the pages of the book. Well probably not but a girl can always dream.

I'm really just a regular eighteen year old girl that has black hair, blue eyes, nice lips, and a slim body figure. I constantly wear black skinny jeans and a dark green sweater with grey strips. It doesn't matter how hot it is I will always wear a sweater. I always have a very tiny pocket knife in my pocket no matter what. It's a really nice knife and it has saved my ass a couple times.

I actually have two little brothers, Andy Pisonis and Luther Pisonis. Andy's only a six year old but he's a very smart boy and Luther's seven years old with a rebel personality. Both of them get beat up by kids older than them, so I put a stop to it like any other sister would by putting my little knife to their junk. But if it's a girl I beat her up and threaten the them. But when I threaten someone I make it real and make it painful. If I wasn't there Luther would protect Andy no matter what. They're my only siblings so I take care of them, teach them certain things, discipline them, love them more than anything.

They're pretty much the reason I'm still around. The second reason was that my mother had dumped Luther on me then Andy and told me to take care of them. But I did it on my free will to care for them. Andy and Luther have no one else but me to take care of him. Andy's pretty small for a six year old, he has dark brown hair probably from our father, and baby blue eyes and has glasses. Luther on the other hand was also small but still taller than Andy. Luther also has nice black hair and blue eyes like me.

Both of them are really into science fiction, comic books, and any dorky thing. Andy and Luther once made a comic book about me. Luther made the drawings while Andy did the rest because they both thought of me as their hero for always being there when they needed me. It was really cute. I love them so much and I won't let anyone touch them. It doesn't matter who they are, I will kill them. I don't know why but they always looked up to me for some reason.

Me, Luther, and Andy were watching Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Both of them wanted to watch so we went to watch in theatres. So we're watching it right now. My little brother Andy is a little cry baby but I love him. But Luther is tougher. I was always there for them through the hardest times. Luther loves me so much more than our mother that he never leaves my side just like Andy. Our mother is a drunk and does drugs. I always wondered what happened to my father but I really don't care at all. He's the reason we're living in a dump.

I turned to Alex and saw him smiling for some weird reason. He has the cutest little smile. Then I turned to Luther who was very focused on the movie. He's like a little puppy sometimes. I tapped Luther on the shoulder and said "Hey Luther I'm going to the bathroom ok, watch Andy." I got up and started walking down the stairs when a hand grabbed my arm. I looked down at Luther giving me the puppy dog eyes with Andy right behind him I sighed and pushed him forward lightly and said "Fine lets go."

They smiled and went ahead of me. After going to the bathroom I walked out and saw Andy and Luther sitting on a bench. Suddenly a group of older kids walked up to Andy and shoved him on the floor. Luther and I ran to Andy and helped him up. There were four guys and they looked about the same age as me. They all snickered as I patted his head. "Ooo look is your mommy here to kiss your boo boo you little asswipe. Hmm she doesn't look that bad unless you take the clothes off." He said smirking. I walked over slowly and kicked him in the nuts. "I'm not his mother asshole." All the other guys just backed off. I smirked, walking away with a confidence boast. I didn't look down when I felt two hands grab my hands tightly.

After the movie me, Andy and Luther went home. When I opened the door I heard groans and moans from the kitchen. I stopped and put a finger in front of my mouth. "Stay here okay and cover your ears no matter what." I walked into he kitchen and gasped. There on the fucking kitchen table was my mother being fucked by some drug dealer from across the street. He tried to sell drugs to me and wanted a little something else. But I'm not giving that druggie my kitty. I walked out slowly grabbing a knife and went to Andy and Luther. "Hey Andy cover your ears and get on my back and go to sleep okay." He smiled and I crouched down on my knee. He climbed and laid his head on my shoulder sound asleep. I held his legs up and turned to Luther. "Cover your ears okay." I climbed up the stairs to my room and laid Andy down under the covers and went in after him. "Come on Luther, let's go to sleep ok." I laid the knife under my pillow. He smiled softly and went under the covers. I hugged my little brothers and eventually fell asleep.

When I woke up Andy was  shaking me and screaming my name. "NIA!! NIA WAKE UP!!!" I groaned and rubbed my eyes trying to see right. "What? What is it Andy?" He looked really frightened by the look of his face. "The man downstairs is trying to get in Nia." I picked him up and opened my closet. I set him down and said "Stay in here ok. Where's Luther?" "He's in the bathroom." He responded.

I smiled softly and moved him into the closet. I closed the closet door and locked the door. He started banging on the door "Andy you're going to have to be quiet ok. I'll be right back I need to get Luther." He stopped banging and I walked to my bed and grabbed an old bat I had hidden a while back. I took off my jacket and tied it around my waist then grabbed the knife and put it in my left pocket. I walked out the door and walked down the stairs slowly with my bat raised high. I heard crashing and yelling downstairs so I walked a little faster. I crouched down peeked downstairs in the living room and saw the guy from before walking around with a gun. "Marco please I'll give you the money tomorrow. Just give me more time." My mother begged. He smacked her down with the gun making her have a nose bleed. "Hey no one tells me what do do. Why don't you give me one of your kids."

She nodded her head. "I have a daughter, you can have her. She's shit. Take the stupid whore." I scoffed and shook my head. Wow, what a bitch. I was too zoned out to hear someones steps coming up the stairs. I looked up at the dude above me,  with gun pointed at me. I then heard sniffling come from the top of the stairs. I turned and looked up only to see Andy and Luther crying at the top of the stairs. I smiled weakly as a tear fell down my cheek. There was a bang and then I felt pain go through my stomach. I looked at their faces one more time then everything went black.


Hello Guys!! This is my second story so I need your guy's comments. This took me one week to figure how this part was gonna go but I will write........... :D........please vote.

Catch Me (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes) 》》[BOOK 1] 《《Where stories live. Discover now