Where are we?

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When I woke up I groaned touching my stomach and keeping my eyes closed. I heard soft whispering so to my curiosity I opened my eyes and the bright light blinded me and two shadows above me. After a couple minutes I figured out who it was, Andy and Luther. I smiled and Andy hugged me, squeezing my wound. I groaned and he let go. "Sorry Nia." He apologized. I ruffled his head and smiled. "It's okay Andy." He laughed and pushed my hand away. I looked around gasping at the surroundings. I got up slowly on my feet without stretching my wound.

I looked around and saw there were trees and boulders everywhere. We're in a fucking forest. I looked around and saw Luther on the floor unconscious. I walked slowly towards Luther holding my wound to stop the bleeding and got on my knees. Andy sat down next to me curious of what was going on. I shook Luther until he finally woke up. "Hey sleepy you okay?" He groaned and looked at me. "Yeah I'm okay just dizzy." He looked around and noticed where we were.

"Where are we Nia?" I scratched my head in thought and said "Well we're in a forest but that's all I know." He looked down and by the look of his face he looked very scared then I turned to Andy and he had the same face but he looked sadder. "Nia you're bleeding a lot. You gonna be ok?" I looked down and he was right. "It's fine okay. Don't worry I'm going to be okay. We just have to find shelter for now it's getting dark." I looked around and noticed both of them looked cold. They were only wearing brown shorts and black matching shirts so took off my jacket off my waist and wrapped it around both their shoulders.

We finally found shelter in a very small cave. I went to find some sticks to make a fire and when I came back they were sound asleep. I made the fire and crawled to them slowly while clutching my stomach. I wrapped my arms around them and fell asleep while leaning on them.

When I woke up I felt very light headed. I looked around and noticed Andy and Luther were gone and left the sweater. I put the sweater on carefully without stretching my wound and got up. I looked around and I couldn't see them anywhere. "ANDY!!! LUTHER!!! WHERE ARE YOU!?!?!" I yelled. I was panting and sweating .Probably from losing to much blood. I sighed and kept calling them until I heard a roar and screams. I ran as fast as I could to them, panting and wheezing. When I got there Andy and Luther were against a boulder and a giant bear in front of them and stood on its hind legs.

Then I noticed there was an ape in front of Luther and Andy at full height. The ape looked young and had gotten slashes on his torso from attacking the bear. They needed to get away or they wouldn't have a chance. I clapped and yelled for the bears attention but didn't get it. So I threw a big rock at it's head and it turned to me angrily. Andy and Luther looked at me with fear in their eyes and the ape just stared at me. I remembered I had the tiny knife in my shoe. It's a small knife but it's better than nothing.

Well it doesn't matter now. The bear swung at me but I ducked and went through it's legs. The bear then started paying attention to them and I didn't want that. So I did the most idiotic thing ever I jumped on the bear and started stabing the shit out it's back with the knife. Then the bear hit me making me fall on my back feeling my gun wound stretch. I yelped and whimpered while holding my wound. More blood started staining my shirt. I couldn't get up and run I would just lose more blood. I grabbed my knife and held it tight. The bear turned around to face me but was attacked head on by another ape. He then fell and got up quickly. He kept roaring, it sounded like he was saying Koba.

I could feel myself slipping away slowly. I then heard another roar so I looked up and saw that the newer ape that appeared had stabbed the bear through the neck with a spear. The bear then collapsed on top of  the other ape and slowly died. Andy and Luther ran to me and got on their knees. They were both crying and I didn't want them to cry so I brushed them away with a hand that didn't have blood on it. "It's ok guys I'm fine don't worry I can get up." I got up slowly while holding on to a tree and holding on to Andy. "See I'm fine. Let's just go before something else happens."

I stopped when I saw a scratch on Luther's arm. "What happened Luther are you okay?" He nodded his head and said "We were playing then the bear came out of no where and tried to hurt Andy but I pushed him away." I hugged both of them and kissed both their heads."Come on guys let's go." So with the help of my little brothers we kept walking until a voice stopped us. "Human....Hurt?" I turned around and saw the three apes just staring at me and standing at full height and man do I feel short. "N-No they're fine thank you." I stuttered. Oh my god he just spoke, holy crap! This is so weird. I then noticed it was the one in the middle that spoke. He had green eyes and soft dark brown looking fur and on his heart was a birth mark.

The ones with scratches across his torso looks similar to the one with green eyes, must be his son. The other one had a scar across his eye and more scars on his arms, head and torso. He had black and white fur he must be kinda old. He stared at me weird. It creeped me out. We then turned around and kept walking until he spoke again. "Female human hurt." I looked back and the green eyed ape was closer.  Andy let go of my hand and walked over to the ape until he was three feet away. "A bad man shot her." He said.

Luther held my hand tighter and looked up at me. I sighed and looked down. I opened my sweater and there was a lot of blood on my shirt it was starting to drip. "Come." I nodded and started walking with Luther and Andy. I put up my hand out for Andy and he grabbed it immediately. I looked down and noticed his hand was in my bloody hand. I let go but he just grabbed on to me. He looked up and said "Don't let go of me Nia." I smiled and held his hand tighter. I looked up and kept walking. I noticed there were lots of apes in the trees and Orangutans as well as Gorillas walking nearby. I was getting nervous. "So what are your names?" Luther asked suddenly. They stopped and turned around. The one with green eyes turned and met my eyes. "I am.....Ceaser. This is my son Blue eyes." He said proudly while touching the young apes shoulder. He turned to the other ape and said "This is Koba." I couldn't speak anymore I know where we are. We're in a movie.


Hey guys!! I hoped you guy's liked my last chapter. Like this one too!!!

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