Preference#11 You're seated together on a flight.

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Daniel- Daniel wasn’t bothered that he wasn't sat with the rest of the boys. Actually, when he saw you sit down next to him he was extremely happy. He knew it was going to be a great nine hours. He quickly started a conversation with you right away, and the two of you kept talking most of the flight- it was the quickest nine hours you've ever sat through. Every time you spoke, Daniel’s eyes trailed to your lips. Once you both got off, since you had to catch a different flight, and this was his last stop, he gave you his number- which you stayed up all night texting.

Luke-  Luke  wasn’t really expecting Jai not to be seated by him. When you sat down beside him, he gave you a bit of a confused look, but none the less started up a conversation. You had a wonderful flight thanks to Luke, it was filled with laughter, and he practically made you forget just how long it actually ended up being. He thought you were absolutely gorgeous, and found you very funny, and out going, rather than just the normal fangirl rambling at him. He asked for your number, and you both met up for drinks, which was the start of a great relationship.

Beau- You weren’t very talkative when it came to people you weren't familiar with. So, the minute Beau sat down beside you, you stuffed your headphone into your ears, hoping he wouldn't say much. However, he started to talk, and once you replied, he continued to talk. Usually you would've been extremely annoyed, and ignored the person, putting your headphones back on,  but there was something about how happy he was about things he was telling you, and how he actually seemed interested in your answers to his questions that you ended up enjoying his company.  You left the airport with his number, and a kiss on the cheek.

Jai- Jai hated when he had to set separated from the boys. As he walked towards the seat he was assigned to, he saw you, and smiled softly- he thought you were beautiful. At first he tried to play it off cool, reaching out a hand to shake yours. He introduced himself, then sat down. After a while of talking to Jai, you realized he didn't come off as the 'cool guy', at all. He  was being his usual dorkish self around you. You thought he was adorable, and loved his accent. As soon as you got off the plane, he gave you a hug, slipping his number into your hoodie pocket.

James- James was a bit shy when you first sat down beside him. He smiled softy in acknowledgment, but other than that said nothing. You had forgotten to put your iPod into your handheld luggage, and soon realized you had nothing to do. Spotting your boredom James offered you one earphone connected to his phone. You listened to some music, and found out he had great. You generally had a great flight, with lots of laughter once his phone died. Once the flight landed, he reached over, handing you his number.

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