Preference #5 When you're sick.

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James- James wasn't the type to be very
helpful around sick people. He had the worst luck when it came to catching things, it often made him nervous when you began to feel ill. He'd usually try his best to make your day easier. He'd talk about how cute you look in sweat shirts, and how adorable your nose would be when it gets red, resulting in him not being able to resist the urge to cuddle you; meaning in a few days he'd feel terrible. It was like an endless cycle sometimes.

Luke- Luke practically never got sick. Every time you get sick, he's completely ontop of it. He gets a doctor's appointment set up, finds the right medicines, and takes care of you. He always ends up still trying to take care of you, even if you've been fine for a few days. He insists you must feel your best before he can stop.

Jai- Unlike his brother, Jai is completely clueless when it comes to people getting sick. Half the time he can't figure out what's wrong with himself. As soon as you tell him you don't feel well, he pouts and holds you, then calls his mother- much like he does with a lot of things. Even then, you end up making yourself a doctor's appointment.

Beau- Much like Luke, you never really get sick. That is unless you're with someone who's sick for a while. Every time Beau got sick, you were guaranteed to soon after. That usually ended up with lots of sleeping, and soup. You both were actually glad that things happened like this, because neither of you had to avoid kisses, grabbing a sip from the other's drink, or anything else.

Daniel- You always got extremely whiney while you were sick, which caused Daniel to find you adorable. Most would call it annoying, but the tone in your voice made him smile every time. Anything you could need, Daniel got. He'd normally find a thick blanket, and wrap up with you. He would always regrets it a week later when he finally felt sick, but he'd never tell you no.

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