We kissed?

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Ian's P.O.V:

After Bell and Evan shut the door in our face we went home and slept though I didn't get much sleep.

It was hard without Evan I miss her...

"Hey dude how'd you sleep?" Micheal mind linked

"I didn't"

"Me neither"

It went quiet as I thought about Evan I think Evan is amazing.

I do think she's the most beautiful girl in the worlds scratch that universe.

I know I would happily give my life up for hers.

Do I love her?

You know the answer to that Damon said.

"How can I love her I haven't known her for that long? It has to be the mate bond"

The mate bond is real yes but it also doesn't control who you love or what you feel the mate bond brings you to the person that is best suited for you but it can be broken and can be ignored it doesn't kill you if it is broken. Although it can drastically change someone...

As I thought about it the answer was clear I do love her.


I don't know what she's been through or how she thinks, I don't know simple things like her favorite color or birthday but I fell in love with the little I do know about her.

"Micheal let's go visit them"

"You sure it's eight in the morning"

"They should be up by now and besides we can take them out for breakfast"

"Sounds good"

We jump in separate cars and start driving.

We decided that instead of knocking we were going to just go in since I kinda made a copy of their key.

We unlock the door and see Bellanie sitting on a bar stool eating cereal at the counter she was wearing a pale blue sweatshirt with black sweatpants with a pair of black headphones so she couldn't hear us.

But Evan's not here.

Micheal very quietly walked behind her and pulled the headphones off.

"Evan why are you..." She stopped mid sentence when she turned around and saw Micheal. "Micheal! Micheal. What are you doing here" she then looked to me "what are you two doing here?" she wasn't talking at a normal volume but she wasn't whispering either.

"Why are you talking so quiet and where's Evan?" I asked.

"Evans sleeping" Bell said.

"Seriously it's eight thirty she should be up by now" I said.

"That girl likes sleeps leave her alone" Bell said "you never answered my question"

"We wanted to take you and Evan out for breakfast" Micheal said in an excited tone.

"Oh that's romantic a double for the first date" Bell said rolling her eyes.

"We brought separate cars" Micheal said.

"You want to be alone and a breakfast date for our first" Bell said gasping quietly.

"Whatever we can decide that later I'm going to wake up Evan" I said getting kind of annoyed.

"No don't do that!" Bell said louder and immediately slapped her hand over her mouth.

"Why not?" I asked.

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